RCPsych eNewsletter
February 2023
Welcome to our eNewsletter for members
In this month's newsletter we pay tribute to a long-serving member of staff who recently passed away, celebrate the success of our Stonewall Gold award and we reveal the programme for this year's RCPsych International Congress.
Stonewall success
The College was last week officially awarded a Stonewall Gold Award, having been ranked the 90th top employer in the UK for LGBTQ+ inclusivity.
New CASC format
Following an extensive review of our assessment strategy, the College is announcing changes to the delivery of the CASC examination.
Enter Mindmasters
Divisions and Devolved Nations are now inviting members to put themselves forward to take part in the Mindmasters Quiz 2023, taking place at Congress in July.
Psychiatrist Support Service (PSS)
The Psychiatrists' Support Service (PSS) provides free, rapid, high quality peer support by telephone to psychiatrists of all grades who may be experiencing personal or work-related difficulties. Contact the PSS by phone on 020 8618 4020 or by email at pss@rcpsych.ac.uk.
Other news from around the College
RCPsych Publishing
Read the latest RCPsych Publishing Highlights.
BJPsych Themed Issue 2024 Call for Papers: Pathway to delivery of dementia disease modification
Latest podcast: Delivering mental healthcare to asylum seekers on Samos, Greece, with Dr Lindsay Solera-Deuchar
RCPsych Books Competition: ‘The psychiatry book I need in my life!’
Vacancy – Specialist Advisor for Continuing Professional Development
Lead the College’s work on Continuing Professional Development (CPD) and advise on CPD policy – apply for the role now.
Faculty of Rehabilitation and Social Psychiatry
We're pleased to invite nominations for our Lifetime Achievement Award, honouring the career of an individual who has made an outstanding contribution to the field of rehabilitation and social psychiatry.
We also offer a bursary to help a foundation year one trainee to attend the Rehabilitation and Social Psychiatry Faculty Annual Conference which will be held in November 2023.
Faculty of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry – The Harrington Writing Prize
We've established an essay prize to encourage interest in our specialty among trainees and specialty doctors. The topic for 2023 will be 'the role of CAMHS in gender identity services', with a deadline of 24 March 2023.
Faculty of Forensic Psychiatry – Bursary for European seminar
A bursary exists to support attendance at the Irsee residential seminar held in August or September each year. The deadline is midnight on Wednesday 31 May 2023.