Ethnicity pay gap details published

The College is pleased to announce that our latest ethnicity pay data shows that the pay gap has narrowed – with the median gap being just 5.81% (down from 6.57% at the start of the year).

This compares to an average median ethnic pay gap in London in 2019, where most of our employees work, of 23.8%.

Because 70 of our employees (19%) do not specify their ethnicity, our figures for the ethnicity pay gap are less reliable than those for our gender pay gap (where only 1% of employees do not define themselves as being male or female).

Unlike the gender pay gap, reporting on the ethnicity pay gap is voluntary and as a result there is far less data available from other organisations on this issue.

The existence of an ethnicity pay gap at an organisation does not mean that the employer pays people from one ethnicity more for the exact same work than those from another ethnicity – that would be illegal. Instead, the ethnicity pay gap shows what the average Black, Asian and Minority Ethnic person at an organisation is paid, compared to the average White member of staff.

The total number of ‘in-scope’ substantive employees and workers on the snapshot date of 5 April 2022 was 372. The ethnicity breakdown showed that of our employees 21% were Black, Asian and Minority Ethnic, 60% were White and 19% staff preferred not to say or did not provide any information.

Since January the proportion of Black, Asian and Minority Ethnic employees in the upper pay has increased (19% vs 18%) as has the proportion in the upper-middle pay quartile (30% vs 28%).

Although some organisations are reluctant to carry out ethnicity pay reports, the College believes that carrying out ethnicity pay audits – and enacting measures to reduce the ethnicity pay gap – are consistent with our organisational values of Courage, Innovation, Respect, Collaboration, Excellence and Learning.

Marcia Cummings, Director of Human Resources at the College, said:

“We are strongly committed to equality, diversity and inclusion – and are currently working to implement our 29-point Equality Action Plan and adhere to best practice in terms of equal opportunities.

“We are proud that our ethnic pay gap is so narrow – being 18% less than the London average. As a values-based organisation, ensuring a narrow ethnicity pay gap is an absolute priority for us.

“We will never get complacent, and always look to see if there are more ways that we can ensure a workplace that is fair to all. We will do everything we can to ensure we have the most equitable workplace possible for people of all ethnicities – with any potential barriers to people from different backgrounds being rooted out and eliminated.”


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