Publications and useful links

If you’re a current EIPN member, and would like example copies of policies or guidance in order to help you meet EIPN standards, please contact us to request them.

We'll be publishing a national report which will contain data collected from member services. The report will outline themes from services including areas of high satisfaction and good performance, as well as areas that require improvement.

Keep checking back for more information!

Distribution list

Join our email distribution list to keep up with information on early intervention in psychosis and to be the first to hear about our network and any developments.

To be added to our distribution list, please email with the subject header as 'JOIN'.

Knowledge Hub

We've set up an online discussion forum for the Early Intervention in Psychosis Network on Knowledge Hub. The aims of the discussion forum are to:

  • Provide access to experienced and knowledgeable professionals from a range of disciplines in EIP;
  • Share best practice and good quality improvement initiatives;
  • Seek advice and network with other members;
  • Share policies and procedures;
  • Advertise upcoming events and conferences.

Knowledge Hub is an online platform that allows you to be a part of the EIPN discussion forum and it is free to sign up.

Once you have joined Knowledge Hub, you can request to join the EIPN Discussion Forum. Please note, you will not be able to request to join unless you have created an account with Knowledge Hub.

All requests to join the forum will be confirmed by the EIPN team. 

If you have any queries about the forum or Knowledge Hub, please contact us


EIP teams in England completed our self-assessment in 2016/17 and 2017/18. We measured services against key recommendations in Implementing the Early Intervention in Psychosis Access and Waiting Time Standard (PDF) (2016 PDF).

Outcome measures for routine use in EIP services 


This is a service user-rated outcome measure which focuses on quality of life, treatment satisfaction and care needs. DIALOG has been developed by S Priebe, and is free to use. A copy can be found in the Implementing the Early Intervention in Psychosis Access and Waiting Time Standard: Guidance document (appendix 4, page 50).

Process of Recovery Questionnaire (QPR)

The QPR is developed in collaboration with service users. This measure asks about aspects of the patient’s recovery which are important and meaningful to them.

Physical health resources

The Lester UK Adaptation of the Positive Cardiometabolic Health Resource

The Lester Positive Cardiometabolic Health Resource provides practitioners with a simple assessment and intervention framework to protect the cardiovascular and metabolic health of patients with severe mental illness receiving antipsychotic medication.

Adapted for UK use from an original Australian resource in a process led by the late Professor Helen Lester, this resource has been produced through collaboration between the Royal Colleges of General Practitioners and of Psychiatrists, supported by NAS.  The Lester resource was recently updated with NHS England and Public Health England and is being used in the current NHS mental health CQUIN

Right from the Start: Keeping Your Body in Mind

The Right from the Start resource is for people experiencing psychosis and those who care for them. This resource was launched in the UK at the Network's Achieving Better Access Forum.

This resource was kindly shared by iphYs. Further information can be found at

Healthy Active Lives (HeAL) : Keeping the Body in Mind for Youth with Psychosis

A leaflet on 'Keeping the Body in Mind in Youth with Psychosis' which is aimed at prescribers, particularly those responsible for prescribing for first episode psychosis.

This resource was kindly shared by iphYs. Further information can be found at

At-Risk Mental States

The CAARMS (Comprehensive Assessment of At-Risk Mental States)

- To determine if an individual meets the criteria for an ‘At Risk Mental State’.

- To rule out, or confirm criteria for acute psychosis.

- To map a range of psychopathology and functioning factors, over time in young people at ultra high-risk of psychosis.

The Comprehensive Assessment of At Risk Mental States (CAARMS). ANZJP. 2005;39:964-71.

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