Your subscription

The College subscription year runs from January to December.

You can pay your subscription online or see the sections below if you need to amend your membership subscription in any way.

From 1 January 2024

CategoryOne-off RegistrationAnnual Subscription
Members £209£534
Specialist Associates£209£534
Pre-Membership Psychiatric Trainees £158
Mental Health Associates £193
Retired £180
Over 40 Years membership, or over 75 years of age NIL

A banding system has been applied for overseas subscriptions. The scheme aims to address the fact that College fees can be a disproportionately high percentage of income for members working in some countries.

Overseas rates have been applied automatically according to the address held for members outside the UK and you do not need to make any application.

From 1 January 2024

CategoryCountry BandOne-off registrationAnnual subscription
Pre-Membership Psychiatric TraineesA 113
B 90
C* 68
D* 45
International AssociatesA 276
B 221
C* 166
D* 110
Retired (all grades)A 166
B 133
C* 100
D* 66
Over 40 years Membership, or over 75 years of age  Nil

The schedule of country bandings is available on the College website or on request by emailing the Membership Data Office. It is based upon a similar scheme operated by the World Psychiatric Association and upon economic data supplied by the World Bank.

Overseas members in Bands C or D can apply for a reduced rate if their monthly income is below a certain amount.

Find out more information about the reduced rate of subscription.

UK Fellows, Members, Specialist Associates and Affiliates can apply for a reduction of 50% of fees for 2024 if earnings for this subscription year are expected to be below £55,000.

You can download a UK reduced rate form, complete and return to

Overseas Fellows, Members and International Associates can apply for a reduced rate for 2024 if earnings for this subscription year are expected to be below £25,000.

You can download an Overseas reduced rate form, complete and return to

The reduced rate must be applied for each year. If you were on this rate for 2023 you must reapply if you will be eligible again in 2024.

The College defines retirement as earning less than £25,000 from all professional income in 2024.

This earning figure refers specifically to gross income from professional practice including private and medico-legal work – pension income is excluded from this calculation.

Please contact the Membership Data Office for a Declaration Form or download one

Most members in the UK pay their subscriptions by Direct Debit. You can set up your Direct Debit to be taken in one instalment (January), two Direct Debit instalments (January and July) or quarterly Direct Debit instalments (January, April, July and October).

To set up or alter a Direct Debit arrangement members with a UK bank account can complete an online form - access the online Direct Debit page.

Alternatively, please download and complete the form below and return it to the Membership Data Office at the College. If you wish to pay by two or four instalments then please include a note with your returned form, otherwise we will take the subscription out in one instalment.

Please write your College membership number as the reference number on the Direct Debit form. Please complete and return your form by the middle of December before the year you wish to pay by Direct Debit.

If you wish to cancel your Direct Debit, you can do this directly with your bank or by emailing

If you wish to cancel your membership subscription, please send an email to Membership at Please include your membership number and full name.

You will receive an email confirming your cancellation within a few days.

The membership subscription is automatically tax deductible in the United Kingdom. At present it will save effectively at least 20% of the cost of the subscription, 40% for higher rate tax payers. The list under which your College subscriptions are classified as tax deductible can be located on the HMRC website. Under P it lists: Psychiatrists Royal College of.

Members can view and print subscription receipts through the secure Members’ area.

Members no longer need to pay a subscription fee from the year following their 40th year of membership or the year following their 75th birthday.

There is no need to make an application – the Membership Data Office will work from information on the College database and apply the rate from 1 January following entitlement.

We will write to you a month before to notify you of the change. 

The Honorary Treasurer has the authority to apply other reductions at their discretion. If you have exceptional or special circumstances which are not appropriately addressed in the above categories, please write to the Treasurer via the membership department at

We hope you'll find the answers to your queries in Your membership. If you still have any questions or wish to discuss your membership further, please contact the Membership Data Office using the details below:

  • Paul O'Connor (Membership Data Manager)
  • Rachel Lee (Membership Data Administrator)

Tel: +44 (0)20 8618 4100
