Training and events

Please see below for details on upcoming events and training on MSNAP.

Register your place using the attached booking form (if available) or contact MSNAP for further information about any of the listed events.

15th National Memory Services Forum - Tuesday 8 October

Time: 10:00 - 16:00

Venue: Online

The MSNAP Annual Forums are a great opportunity to bring memory services together for networking, sharing ideas and good practice.

The full programme can be accessed here! Topics include:

  • Lived experience perspectives from MSNAP peer reviews
  • Improving detection and diagnosis of dementia-related visual impairment
  • Peer-led dementia courses as part of post-diagnostic support
  • Cognitive rehabilitation approaches with delusions and hallucinations.

Complete the booking form to register your place.

Peer Reviewer training - Thursday 24 October

Date: 10am-12pm

Venue: Online

This session is free of charge to members of staff working in MSNAP member services, and must be completed before you attend any peer-reviews.

Complete the booking form to attend this training.

For more information about any of the MSNAP events, please contact the team at

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