Executive Committee

The Executive Committee meets four times a year, usually in March, June, September and December, and for a Strategy Meeting in June.

Our Annual General Meeting takes place in the spring to coincide with the Spring Biannual Meeting.

Papers are available on our password-protected Executive Committee Papers and Dates page.

Members who wish items to be raised at the Executive should email details to the South West Division Manager at least three weeks prior to the meeting.

We’re holding elections for officers and members as below:

2023 (for ratification at College AGM in June 2024)

  • Chair
  • Education and Training Committee Representative
  • Executive Committee Member - two posts

You can find more information about these roles on the Executive Committee job descriptions page.  

The results of the College elections in the south west have now been announced on the Divisions and Devolved Nations elections page.

Who's on the Committee

Member Year of joining Position
Dr Sai Achuthan 2024 (E) Chair
Dr Paul Winterbottom 2023 (E) Vice Chair
Dr Melanie Merricks 2023 (E) Financial Officer
Dr Dave Barker 2024 (A) Academic Secretary
Dr Babafemi Akerele 2021 (A) Regional Representative
Dr Jyothi Akula 2023 (EX) SAS Doctor Representative
Dr Sherlie Arulanandam 2023 (EX) Regional Advisor
Commander Luke Baker 2023 (E) Committee Member
Dr Daniel Beales 2021 (A) Regional Representative
Dr Simon Bonell 2019 (C) Head of School
Dr Ellena Businge 2023 (EX) PTC Rep
Dr Simon Corke 2021 (EX) PTC Rep
Dr Kate Franklin 2023 (A) Recruitment Lead
Dr Lucy Griffin 2021 (A) Regional Representative
Dr Ian Groeber 2021 (C) Editor
Dr Sian Hughes 2022 (C) Head of School
Dr Jasraj Jaswir Singh 2024 (EX) Deputy Regional Advisor
Dr Richard Laugharne 2020 (C) Committee Member
Dr Qing Li 2024 (A) Regional Representative
Dr Amy Manley 2023 (A) Regional Representative
Dr Celice McDermott 2018 (A) Regional Representative
Dr Monica Mohan 2016 (A) Regional Representative
Dr Andrew Moore 2016 (C) Workforce Lead
Dr Andrew Moore 2016 (E) Workforce Lead
Dr Andrew Moore 2016 (E) Workforce Lead
Dr Emily Rackley 2023 (EX) PTC Rep
Dr Velayudhan Ram 2022 (EX) Regional Advisor
Dr Salim Razak 2018 (A) Regional Representative
Dr Jemma Reid 2023 (A) Regional Representative
Dr Rosa Roberts 2022 (C) Sustainability Champion
Dr Angela Rouncefield 2022 (C) Committee Member
Dr Ross Runciman 2024 (C) Education and Training Committee Rep
Dr Karl Scheeres 2023 (A) Regional Representative
Dr Helen Sharrard 2024 (C) Committee Member
Dr Lara Stojkiw 2024 (C) Sustainability Champion
Dr Victoria Thom 2022 (A) Regional Representative

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