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Trainees' Conference 2021


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1. Compliance with DVLA guidance regarding fitness to drive
Sarah Abd El Sayed

2. Working together, guiding each other: setting up peer mentoring training and support. 
Yasmin Al Asady

3. A multi-disciplinary and service user-inclusive outreach programme to encourage local young people to choose a career in Mental Health
Emma Brooks

4. Using trainee experiences to develop awareness of unconscious bias and promote inclusive psychiatry
Gemma Buston

5. North West School of Psychiatry QIP: Near-peer buddy scheme for international medical graduate (IMG) CT1 new starters
Gemma Buston

6. National Survey into Trainee Experience of Core Psychotherapy Training
Lauren Evans

7. Wellbeing Outcomes Following an Away Day for West Midlands Psychiatry Higher Trainees 
Emma Fisher

Mehmet Gez

9. Experiences of a flexible approach to trainee retention: personal reflections
Harriet Greenstone

10. PsychED Up Communication Teaching: Building Confidence and Breaking Down Barriers in Psychiatry
Sae Kohara

11.  The West Yorkshire Trainee Engagement Forum: A Novel Space for Trainees and Trainers to Share Experiences 
Rebecca Lee

12. Foundation Year Hub days, Cambridge and Peterborough Foundation Trust (CPFT)
Afef Mahmoud

13. The Impact of COVID-19 on Training & Wellbeing Support of Trainee Doctors across Kent, Sussex & Surrey 
Zafrina Majid

14. Developing a digital Mock CASC in response to Covid-19 enforced changes to the MRCPsych CASC examination
Peter McMurray

15. Into the Mind: a trainee newsletter
Anna Morawski

16. Evaluation of the first virtual CAP faculty trainee conference
Kiran Panesar

17. Developing a peer-supportive environment for Core Trainees in the West Midlands
Shay-Anne Pantall

18. Wellbeing in a Virtual World: Supporting resilience for Core Trainees in the West Midlands
Shay-Anne Pantall

19. Improving the Job Allocation Process for Core Trainees in the North-West London Training Scheme
Imrana Puttaroo

20. A survey on Psychiatry Trainees’ experiences of racism 
Aicha Rais

21. Quality Improvement project on Acceptability of Bite size teaching delivered remotely through videoconferencing software
Girish Rao

22. Impact of the Covid-19 pandemic on Old Age Psychiatry Training in Wales
Alan Slater

23. How can we improve the wellbeing of junior doctors working within Coventry and Warwickshire Partnership Trust?
Megan Stevens

24. Setting up an Out of Hours Supervision Group at St Charles Hospital
Win Min Thet

25. Improving ECG Knowledge of Doctors Working Within Mental Health 
Stephanie Vel En Tial

26. Reducing burnout in doctors – equipping medical students with skills in wellbeing and self-care to manage the demands of a 21st century workplace
John Whall

27. Improving Awareness of Wellbeing Resources Among Core Psychiatric Trainees in the West Midlands Deanery- A Quality Improvement Project
Ellen Williams   

28. Developing meetings for Psychiatry trainees in the Severn Deanery to link them into the University of Bristol
Chantelle Wiseman

Lina Zariddin