Demand, Capacity and Flow QI Collaborative 

The National Collaborating Centre for Mental Health at the Royal College of Psychiatrists have launched an 18-month subscription Quality Improvement (QI) Collaborative focusing on Demand, Capacity and Flow in Mental Health Services across the UK.

The Demand Capacity and Flow Collaborative is being delivered over the course of 18 months from January 2023 to July 2024. The broad aims of the Collaborative are:

  • to support community and inpatient teams within mental health services to understand demand, develop and test change ideas to improve flow, reduce waiting lists and manage demand in creative ways.
  • to provide opportunities for peer-to-peer sharing and learning through regular in-person events.

The collaborative is overseen by national improvement lead, Dr Amar Shah, director of the NCCMH, Tom Ayers, and supported by an experienced team of QI coaches.

If you have any questions about the collaborative, contact the team at
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