Suggest an exhibition

The College occasionally stages temporary exhibitions at its main office in London. We also display art at our events across the country.

The RCPsych recognises the importance of the arts in relation to mental health. We welcome suggestions of exhibitions or artworks to display at the College.

If you would like to suggest an exhibition, or offer to loan any artworks, please complete the form below with as much detail as possible. 

Please note, the College is open to members and hosts many events, but is not currently open to the general public, except by prior arrangement.

Submission form: suggest an exhibition or loan of artworks

The RCPsych is keen to promote the link between art and mental health. We welcome suggestions from artists, members of the College and allied health professionals.

The College is not a formal exhibition space and has very limited budget to stage exhibitions. We cannot currently open to the public.

An Exhibitions Group consisting of members and staff meets three times a year to review all proposals. Due to the volume of proposals we receive we may not be able to respond to all requests.  

Please use the next section to tell us about the exhibition or artworks you are proposing lending to the College.

It will allow us to more easily review your proposal if we have the following information.

Please upload some photos of the artworks you have in mind for the exhibition.

Images must be in JPG or PNG format and should be no more than 5mb in size.

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