FuturePsych – the associate magazine

FuturePsych is the magazine for Student and Foundation Doctor Associates and is published twice per year.

In it you will find articles on every aspect of training and studying psychiatry. If you are an associate member of the College, you will be sent an electronic copy as soon as a new edition is published.

Submitting articles

We are always glad to receive submissions for articles for the magazine. It is a great opportunity to share your knowledge with your colleagues and to see your name in print. We are interested to hear about innovative projects, electives, prizes and research or anything you think would be interesting to other students and Foundation Doctors.

Submission Guidance

You are invited to email a submission of an original article of 400-600 words about an innovative project, elective, prize, research, or anything you think would be interesting to other students and Foundation Doctors.

  • Submissions may be based on original work done for assessment at an earlier stage provided that it is your own work.
  • The word count excludes any bibliography.
  • References should be in the Vancouver style.
  • Articles should be accompanied by images that are free from copyright or sent over with relevant permission (please see below for more information on suitable images)
  • Articles will be judged by the editorial team for accuracy, relevance to audience, spelling, and grammar. We kindly ask that submissions are explicitly clear whether an opinion is the author’s, the College’s, or fact, and remind authors to cite sources for facts or any opinion that is not their own.
  • To submit an article, please email us a draft including your name, title, place of work, and contact details, adding FuturePsych in the subject of the email.

The deadline for submissions is 23rd August 2024 at 12pm BST.

Guidance on submitting images

Images supplied should be free from copyright or sent over to us with relevant permission.

  • There are images that require no copyright and are completely in the public domain (you can find free images like this on websites like Pixabay and Unsplash).  
  • There are many more images which might be free to use but only if you include details of the license. Many images are licensed under Creative Commons licences, some of which require attribution to be given in specific way (i.e. you have to name the creator and include a link to the license). E.g.  “Cheese” by Lauren is licensed via CC BY-NC 2.0

Recent editions

Below are the most recent editions of FuturePsych.

If you're not yet an Associate: Become a Student Associate or Become a Foundation Doctor Associate.

Read more to receive further information regarding a career in psychiatry