
How do I register?

Booking for the 2025 International Congress is now open.

The easiest way to book is to register through our events website.

If you are unable to make payment online please call 0208 618 4120 to make payment over the phone.

If you are paying on behalf of someone else, the easiest way to make payment is to call on 0208 618 4120 and make a payment with a credit/debit card over the phone.

If you are paying with a voucher please email the voucher to and arrange a bank transfer for the remaining amount. Please note we cannot provide change for voucher payments.

Note that spaces will not be reserved until payment is received.

How much does an in-person ticket cost?

Fees for Congress vary depending on several factors. Our early bird fees are now available, and will be available until  Monday 31 March 2025.

If you are not based in the UK and not yet a member of the College, you may benefit from becoming an International Member. International members have access to a multitude of resources to continue their professional development, including reduced booking fees for our Congress.

We also offer reduced fees for students and foundation doctors. Please note that you will need to register with the College as a student associate or a foundation doctor associate to be entitled to this discount (this is free to do).

 Whole conference
(Early bird)
Day rate
(Early bird)***
Early bird fee rate (Non-members)£860£395
Consultant member, fellow or affiliate*£740£345
Resident doctor in higher training and SAS doctor*£550£260
Resident doctor in core training*£310£175
Student and foundation doctor associates*£290£140


* Fee only available if you are a member, fellow, affiliate of RCPsych.

** Fee available to members of RCPsych on retired or reduced membership fees, including. members residing in band C or D countries.

*** Please note that delegates will NOT be provided with the session recordings for individual days, only those who book for the whole conference will receive the session recordings free of charge.

The 2025 Congress Recording Package

We will not be live streaming any of the 2025 Congress. However, if you are unable to join us in-person in Wales we will be recording all sessions (where speaker permission is given) and making them available for purchase (at a reduced fee) one month after the Congress has taken place.*

Please be aware that the recording package will be a recording of the sessions only and you will not be able to interact with any of the other delegates or ask questions to the speakers.

If you are interested in purchasing these recordings and not attending the Congress in-person, please sign up to our recordings mailing list and we will send you a reminder when the recording package is available for purchase.

Those delegates who have purchased a whole congress ticket will be able to watch these recordings after the Congress has taken place at no extra cost.

Delegates who purchased a day ticket(s) are entitled to a 25% discount for the Congress recording package. Please note that you will receive an email containing your discount link when the recording package is available for purchase.

*Session recordings will be made available one month after the Congress has taken place, meaning you will not be able to watch online in real-time (please see the table below for the pricing structure).

How much will the recording package cost?

Fees for the Congress recordings vary depending on several factors. If you purchased a whole Congress ticket you will automatically have access to the recordings at no additional charge. If you booked to attend just one day of the Congress you will be entitled to a 25% discount for the whole Congress recording package - this code will be emailed to you once the recording package is available for purchase.

If you are not based in the UK and not yet a member of the College, you may benefit from becoming an International Member. International members have access to a multitude of resources to continue their professional development, including reduced booking fees for our Congress.

 Standard rateDiscounted rate*
Standard rate (Non-members)£585£439
Consultant member, fellow or affiliate**£535£401
Resident doctor in higher training and SAS doctor**£445£334
Resident doctor in core training**£300£225
Student and foundation doctor associates**£115£86


* The discounted rate is only available to those who have already purchased a day ticket for the 2025 International Congress

** Fee only available if you are a member, fellow, affiliate of RCPsych

*** Fee available to members of the RCPsych or retired or reduced membership fees, inc. members residing in band C or D countries

Please email or call 020 8618 4120 with any enquiries.

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