Specialty training guides
- A Reference Guide for Postgraduate Specialty Training in the UK (the “Gold Guide”) sets out the current arrangements agreed for core and/or specialty training programmes.
- The GMC's pages on Postgraduate standards and guidance, including Promoting excellence: standards for medical education and training.
- The GMC's advice on Dual CCTs
- The GMC's National training surveys
- GMC position statements less than full time training (including academic training in a less than full time setting)
- GMC guidance on Raising and acting on concerns and leadership and management for all doctors
- Guidance for flexibility in postgraduate training and changing specialties (AoMRC - June 2020)
- Recommendations of RCPSYCH Annual Review of Competency Progression (ARCP) Working Group
- Acting Up Consultant (AUC) Guidance (April 2019)
- ECT Good Practice Guide
- Sub-specialty Endorsements - Guidance and FAQs
- General Medical Council (GMC)
- Health Education England (HEE)
- Health Education and Improvement Wales (HEIW)
- Northern Ireland Medical & Dental Training Agency
- Scottish Medical Training
- Conference of Postgraduate Medical Deans in the UK (COPMeD).
- Guidance for Detaining Authorities about medical evidence for First Tier Tribunal
- A guide for trainees observing tribunals
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