Sub-Specialty Endorsements: Guidance and FAQs

There are currently three endorsements (sub-specialties) in Psychiatry that can be taken as part of the General Adult Psychiatry route and Old Age Psychiatry route (Liaison Psychiatry only).

Our three sub-specialties are:

  • Substance misuse (Addiction) Psychiatry
  • Liaison Psychiatry
  • Rehabilitation Psychiatry

Our current approved curricula state that endorsements must be taken as a whole-time equivalent (WTE) over 12 months.

Although many trainees undertake endorsements as WTE over a period of 12 months, more and more trainees and looking to obtain endorsements more flexibly. This has led to a number of queries regarding sign-off of endorsements.

With this in mind, we have developed the following guidance, which we hope will support a more flexible approach to endorsements going forward.


As part of our curricula review, which is due to be implemented in August 2022, we have agreed the following statement:

Successful completion of an indicative 12 months (WTE) in any of the above GMC approved sub-specialties will lead to an endorsement on the GMC Specialist Register. For trainees on formal academic training programmes, it is recognised that research time can contribute up to 50% towards this time requirement for endorsement, if agreed with the supervisors and TPD, and provided that they have demonstrated over that time that they have met clinical capabilities as per curricula requirements at ARCP.

In order that trainees remaining on existing curricula, when the new curriculum is introduced in summer of 2022, are not disadvantaged we are proposing the following minor curricula amendment to the GMC. Implementation of this is subject to GMC approval and trainers are advised to consult latest college guidance when conducting ARCPs

  • Successful completion of a recommended indicative 12 months (WTE) in any of the approved sub-specialties will lead to an endorsement in that specialty,
  • Trainees who achieve competencies in any of the approved sub-specialties in less than 12 months (WTE) will be awarded an endorsement, provided the ARCP panel concludes that competencies have sufficiently be achieved. It is unlikely that a trainee working for significantly less than 12 months WTE will have the opportunity to evidence achievement of all the required capabilities for an endorsement, however where trainees can demonstrate achievement of competencies in less than 12 months, this will be considered at ARCP,
  • 1.0 WTE trainees who are undertaking formal academic programmes with a clinical split alongside an approved endorsement specialty, can achieve the endorsement specialty after 12 months WTE training, provided the ARCP panel are satisfied that all competencies outlined have been met.

Frequently Asked Questions

1. I am a trainee undertaking a CCT in Child & Adolescent Psychiatry, can I undertake an endorsement in Liaison Psychiatry?

No. Sub-specialty endorsements are only available for General Adult Psychiatry and Old Age Psychiatry routes.

2. I am a WTE trainee on a clinical academic programme. Due to my research commitments I am not doing full time clinical sessions. Can I still obtain an endorsement?

Yes. Successful completion of an indicative 12 months (WTE) in any of the GMC approved sub-specialties can lead to an endorsement on the GMC Specialist Register. For trainees on formal academic training programmes, it is recognised that research time can contribute up to 50% towards this time requirement for endorsement.

It should be agreed prospectively with the supervisor and TPD that capabilities towards that endorsement can be achieved in the research time. As for all trainees, capabilities need to be demonstrated to and signed off by ARCP panel.

3. I am training less than full-time (LTFT). Can I achieve the endorsement over a longer period of time (i.e. equivalent of 12 months spread over a longer training period)?

Yes. This needs to be agreed with TPD, with evidence of 12 months WTE training and achievement of capabilities reviewed at ARCP. Whilst it is technically possible to obtain competencies in less than 12 months WTE it would be exceptional.

LTFT trainees should have equal access to training opportunities which allow them to complete the equivalent of 12 months WTE over an appropriately extended period of time.

4. Can competencies for an endorsement be obtained in Special Interest Sessions (SIS)?

No. Trainees need to be placed in an approved substantial training post in order to fulfil curriculum requirements.

For further information, or if you have any additional queries, please contact