Poster abstract submission guidance

Guide for authors 

  1. Abstracts must be in English. 
  2. Abbreviations may be used only if they are defined (spelled out in full text at first mention) followed by abbreviation in brackets. 
  3. The abstract must not exceed 400 words including formulas but excluding subtitles.
  4. The abstract must not contain bibliographical references, tables, diagrams or appendices. 
  5. Abstracts on research must be presented in four headed paragraphs in the following order: Aims, Methods, Results, and Conclusions). 
  6. Case studies must be presented in the following order: Objective, Case Report, Discussion, Conclusion
  7. Abstracts should present novel findings or new interpretations of existing data. They should include brief details of the rationale for the research and the methods used, including, if appropriate, the statistical approach. The major findings should be stated; it will not be acceptable, for example, to state merely that “the results will be discussed”. 
  8. The title of the abstract must be strictly coherent with the data included in the abstract and the conclusions must be warranted by information included in the results section. 
  9. Authors are encouraged to state their hypotheses and frame their conclusions accordingly. 
  10. For studies of service users, patients or populations, the number of people studied should be explicitly stated in the Methods section. 
  11. Submissions are accepted on the understanding that the work has been performed with the permission of any relevant ethical or legislative body. The authors should therefore ensure the work was conducted with appropriate ethical and governance safeguards. 
  12. All sources of financial sponsorship of the study should be stated at the end of the abstract. 
  13. Outstanding candidates may be asked to make an oral poster presentation at the International Congress. 
  14. If your abstract has been accepted then at least one of the named authors will need register and pay the Congress registration fee in full 
  15. Only named authors are permitted to present
  16. The scientific committee reserves the rights to reject any submission


  • Authors will be asked to select one category/topic: Research, Education and Training, Quality Improvement or Service Evaluation/Audit. 
  • Authors must indicate if this is a Student or Trainee submission. 

Contact Us

If you have any problems with your submission please get in touch
T: 020 8618 4238