"How the COVID-19 pandemic has taught me to be a better doctor/psychiatrist"

Thursday 11 March 2021

Four authors present their essays on the topic “How the COVID-19 pandemic has taught be to be a better doctor/psychiatrist”, as chosen by the external judging panel of Honorary Fellows.

The prize was donated by a generous anonymous donor, to be awarded to the best essays presented by a core trainee, a specialty trainee, an SAS doctor and a new consultant.
Following the presentations, Dean of the Royal College of Psychiatrists, Dr Kate Lovett will chair a Q&A session in which she will be joined by Dr Navina Evans, Consultant Psychiatrist and Chief Executive of Health Education England.

We are delighted to announce that Dr Lovett and Dr Evans will be joined by Dr Adrian James, President of the Royal College of Psychiatrists. This webinar will also feature appearances by Honorary Fellows Stephen Fry and  Alastair Campbell.


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