SHRINE at Bethlem Royal Hospital
The SHRINE programme (Sexual and Reproductive Health Rights, Inclusion and Empowerment) has piloted introducing sexual and reproductive clinics at the Bethlem Royal Hospital using a Quality Improvement approach.
This Quality Improvement (QI) project is a collaborative between the National Collaborating Centre for Mental Health (NCCMH) and the SHRINE programme.
SHRINE is a King's Health Partners initiative, comprised of a multi-disciplinary team of Sexual and Reproductive and psychiatric healthcare professionals from Guy’s and St Thomas, King's College Hospital and South London and Maudsley NHS Foundation Trusts.
In this collaborative 20 sexual and reproductive health clinics were delivered to patients at River House and the Mother and Baby Unit at the Bethlem Royal Hospital. Wards are being supported to implement these clinics with Quality Improvement coaching support. We also reviewed the impact of this collaborative with an evaluation.
SHRINE resources
Sexual and reproductive health (SRH) training number 1: The basics
Dr Polly Cohen presents on the basics of SRH. In this session she covers the symptoms of different STI's, method of contraception, the identification process of patients who need further support, and where patients can get more advice on pregnancy decision making, abortion and sexual health.
Sexual and reproductive health (SRH) training number 2: SRH for the Mother and Baby Unit (MBU)
Dr Polly Cohen presents on SRH for the Mother and Baby Unit. In this session she covers the relevance of contraception for MBU patients, different methods of contraception and their effectiveness at preventing pregnancy, common side effects from contraception and how to identify where patients can get more advice about contraception, pregnancy decision making, abortion and sexual health.
Sexual and reproductive health (SRH) training number 3: SRH for secure inpatient settings
Dr Polly Cohen and Jerome Sewell present on SRH for secure inpatient settings. In this session they cover the relevance of SRH in the medium secure unit, how we enable constructive conversations around sexual and reproductive health, the symptoms of different STI's, 5 methods of contraception and 2 methods of emergency contraception, how to identify patients who need further support with their SRH and where patients can get more advice about contraception, pregnancy decision making, abortion and sexual health.
Dr Lade Smith CBE, President of the Royal College of Psychiatrists hosts a webinar on SHRINE and NCCMH's piloting of Sexual and Reproductive Health clinics at the Royal Bethlem Hospital. In this webinar we heard from:
- Dr Margaret Heslin - Senior Lecturer in Health Economics and Epidemiology
- Laura Churchill - Director of the London ICS Network
- Emily Cannon - Head of Quality Improvement, NCCMH
- Elana Covshoff - SHRINE Programme Manager
- Phoebe Barnett - Research Fellow, NCCMH
If you have any questions, please contact