Relational practice: the heart of meaningful work


One Day Event

Timings 9:30 - 15:30
Location 21 Prescot Street, LONDON
All participants£0
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Relational practice: the heart of meaningful work

Event Information

Could organisations and professionals do a better job of supporting us?

Relational practice is a way of working that recognises the primary importance of the quality of relationships. It is the foundation upon which effective interventions are made, and it forms the conditions for a healthy relational environment. It is relevant across all sectors, fields and specialties; formal research is now being undertaken and published to show evidence of its importance, and relevant training programmes have been commissioned by the NHS.

This free one-day conference will bring together those who are familiar with working in this way with others who are interested, to launch a Relational Practice Manifesto which will raise awareness of its relevance in provision of a wide range of services. As well as members of the college and other clinicians, we are inviting key individuals from social care, criminal justice, education and other settings – including those involved with policy, commissioning and management of relevant organisations.

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Contact Name: Project Team

Event Location

Location: 21 Prescot Street, LONDON