Prizes and bursaries in the south west
We have a range of great prizes and bursaries that members in the south west can apply for.
You are invited to submit a written abstract and poster on any area of psychiatry.
The posters will be displayed at the Autumn Biannual Meeting on 15 November 2024 and their respective abstracts published in the conference booklet.
The number of posters is limited and will be allocated on a first-come, first served basis.
Those considered for the award will be expected to attend the Autumn Biannual Meeting on 15 November 2024 and will be available during all breaks to discuss their entry with the competition judges.
In recognition of our responsibility as psychiatrists to help combat the climate and ecological crisis, we have introduced a sustainability category for all poster submissions. More information is available from the guidelines in the 'How to enter' section below.
Who can enter?
It's open to all foundation doctors and medical students working or studying in the South West Division who are Student Associates or Foundation Associates of the Royal College of Psychiatrists on the closing date.
Become a Student Associate or Foundation Associate – there are great benefits and membership is free.
A prize of £100 will be awarded to the winner and further prize certificates may be awarded at the discretion of the judges.
How to enter
Read the Prize guidelines on sustainability category and Dr Stephen Dinniss Poster Prize regulations.
Submit the following to the South West team:
- a completed and signed entry form
- a signed consent form
- your written abstract
Deadline for entries: 9am on 20 September 2024
Spring 2024 prize winners
First: Dr Lucy Longbottom
You are invited to submit a written abstract and poster on any area of psychiatry, including quality improvement projects, e.g. a piece of research being undertaken, a new research project about to start, or an audit.
The posters will be displayed at the Autumn Biannual Meeting on 15 November 2024 and their respective abstracts published in the conference booklet.
The number of posters is limited and will be allocated on a first-come, first-served basis.
Those considered for the award will be expected to attend the Autumn Biannual Meeting on 15 November 2024 and will be available during all breaks to discuss their entry with the competition judges.
In recognition of our responsibility as psychiatrists to help combat the climate and ecological crisis, we are introducing a sustainability category for all poster submissions. More information is available from the guidelines in the 'How to enter' section below.
Who can enter
It’s open to all psychiatric trainees, SAS and specialty doctors working in the South West Division who are Specialist Associates, Affiliates, PMPTs or Members of the Royal College of Psychiatrists on the closing date.
£100 will be awarded to the winner and to the presentation demonstrating the greatest integration of sustainable healthcare. Further prize certificates may be awarded at the discretion of the judges.
How to enter
Read the Prize guidelines on the sustainability category and Divisional Poster Prize regulations.
Submit the following to the South West team:
- a completed and signed entry form
- a signed consent form
- your written abstract
Deadline for entries: 9am on 20 September 2024
Spring 2024 prize winners
First: Dr Natasha Hobbs-Lakin
Judges: Dr Atoosa Houshmand-Rahimi
Write a poem with a mental health theme to win. Your poem must not have been published previously.
This annual prize will be presented virtually at the next Autumn Biannual Meeting. The poems of the winners will be published on the RCPsych website and in the conference booklet for the Autumn Biannual Meeting. Prize winners will also be invited to recite their poem to a live audience at the conference, or give permission for a member of the South West Division team to perform a recital of the winning poem on their behalf.
Who can enter
Anyone connected with mental health and based in the South West Division. You might have previously used or are using mental health services, support a friend or relative who uses or has used mental health services, or work within the mental health sector.
How to enter
Read the Poetry Prize regulations.
Submit the following to the South West team:
- a completed and signed entry form
- a signed consent form
- your poem(s) (2 max)
Deadline for entries: 9am on 20 September 2024
2023 winners
- First prize – Normal, by Rosalind Bizley
- Second prize – From then to now and beyond, by Vivienne Fay Warne
Submit an example of innovation (either individually or as a team) across the whole spectrum of modern psychiatric practice.
The winning entrant will be invited to present their project to a live audience at the Spring Biannual Meeting on 17 May 2024 and their abstract will be printed in the associated conference booklet.
Who can enter?
The competition is open to all psychiatric trainees, consultants, associate specialists, specialty doctors, lecturers and senior lecturers in psychiatry, who are either Specialist Associates, Affiliates, PMPTs, Members or Fellows of the Royal College of Psychiatrists and working within the South West Division area for at least six months prior to the closing date.
A First Prize certificate and £100 will be awarded to the overall winner. Further Judges Prize certificates may be awarded at the discretion of the Judges.
How to enter
This prize has closed for applications.
2024 prize winners
First: Dr Katherine Hall
You are invited to submit an abstract from a research paper on a topic across the whole spectrum of modern psychiatric practice.
You must have written and published the paper in the calendar year before the Spring Biannual Meeting.
You can nominate yourself, or be nominated by a colleague or a member of the multi-disciplinary team, any College member or the scientific organising committee of the Biannual Meeting.
The winning entrant will be invited to present their research to a live audience at the Spring Biannual Meeting on 17 May 2024.
Who can enter?
Trainee psychiatrists and non-consultants in the south west.
A prize of £100 will be awarded to the best entry and presented at the Spring Biannual Meeting.
How to enter
This prize has closed for applications.
Prize Winner 2024
Dr Katherine Hall
We offer up to 10 bursaries for south west medical students and foundation year doctors to present a poster at the South West Spring Biannual Meeting, which is usually held in Devon in May.
Bursaries for medical students include registration fee and travel expenses.
Bursaries for foundation year doctors include registration fee only.
Who can apply
Medical students and foundation year doctors who have entered the Dr Stephen Dinniss Foundation and Medical Student Poster Prize, who are Student Associates or Foundation Associates of the Royal College of Psychiatrists on the prize closing date and who are working or studying in the South West Division area on the date of submission.
Expense claim forms will be issued by the South West Division office and should be returned along with receipts within 4 weeks of the date of the meeting.
We offer up to 10 bursaries for south west medical students and foundation year doctors to present a poster at the South West Autumn Biannual Meeting, which is usually held in Bristol in November.
Bursaries for medical students include registration fee and travel expenses.
Bursaries for Foundation Year doctors include registration fee only.
Who can apply
Medical students and foundation year doctors who have entered the Dr Stephen Dinniss Foundation and Medical Student Poster Prize, who are Student Associates or Foundation Associates of the Royal College of Psychiatrists on the prize closing date and who are working or studying in the South West Division area on the date of submission.
Expense claim forms will be issued by the South West Division office and should be returned along with receipts within 4 weeks of the date of the meeting.
We offer bursaries to the 4 highest scoring south west medical students and doctors in training (including all foundation doctors and trainees) who have entered the national International Congress poster prize but have not received a bursary to attend this year.
Bursaries of up to £500 to cover registration fee, subsistence, accommodation and travel expenses.
Who can apply
The 4 highest scoring medical students and doctors in training (including all foundation doctors and trainees) based in the South West Division, who have entered the national International Congress poster prize but have not received a bursary to attend this year. Successful entrants will be contacted directly by the South West Division office.
Expense claim forms will be issued by the South West Division office and should be returned along with receipts.