About Rainbow SIG

Our aims

In February 2001, a Special Interest Group in Gay and Lesbian Mental Health was established in the College to promote discussion and research, provide expertise within the College and contribute to education. The remit of the group has expanded over the years to include issues related to gender identity. The group’s aims are:

  • to promote and research the mental health of LGBTQ+ people
  • to promote training for all mental health professionals regarding the mental health of LGBTQ+ people
  • to support and advocate for LGBTQ+ mental health professionals
  • to advise on mental health, social and other local and national policy relating to LGBTQ+ mental health.

Executive Committee

The Executive Committee meets roughly three times a year, including the SIG Annual General Meeting. More members are always welcome. The Executive can be contacted via the College: sigs@rcpsych.ac.uk.

ChairPavan Joshi
Financial OfficerElinor Hynes
Presidential Lead for Race and EqualitiesRajesh Mohan
Social Media OfficerLouise Theodosiou
PTC RepChris Walsh
Executive Members

Nadeera Attanayake, Jonathan Gibb, Daniel Hodgson, Helen Killaspy, Diogo Pontes, Andrew Porter, Josep Vilanova

Contact us

If you have any enquiries about the Rainbow SIG please contact sigs@rcpsych.ac.uk.

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