Executive Committee

The Committee aims to meet up to four times a year. The maximum term for the elected officers (Chair and Financial Officer) is four years.

All other appointments to the Committee are non-tenured and by invitation, and the Executive welcomes expressions of interest from members who would wish to play an active role in the planning and running of this Special Interest Group.

VIPSIG members are welcome to contribute to meetings by sending information and questions to the VIPSIG.

To get in touch with the VIPSIG, please contact sigs@rcpsych.ac.uk.

Dr Anis Ahmed Chair
Dr Musa SamiFinancial Officer
Dr Megan ParsonsSecretary
Dr Stella-Maria PaddickEvents Organiser
Professor Nandini ChakrabortyNewsletter Editor
Dr Shonazee Somani PTC Rep

Dr Anis Ahmed MBBS, MRCPsych, PG Cert (Med Edu), who has recently taken over the position of Chair, is Consultant Forensic Psychiatrist at Birmingham and Solihull Mental Health NHS Foundation Trust.

He holds the position of Forensic College Tutor and Educational supervisor for Core trainees.

He is honorary Senior Lecturer and Personal Tutor at Aston Medical School and he is honorary researcher at University of Birmingham. 

Worked in Psychiatry in USA, London, Buckinghamshire and Bristol over 33 years in NHS specialising in Social psychiatry and Rehabilitation.

Senior Lecturer at Lewisham and Guys and Trainer for part -time Sprs on South London and Maudsley Higher Training scheme.

Served on Exec Faculty for Rehabilitation for 8 years and on Exec committees as Treasurer for WMHSIG, HoPSIG and now VIPSIG.

As freelance consultant have worked with two charities Helen Bamber Foundation and Medical justice and served on the Royal College Working Party for refugees and Asylum seekers for past 8 years.

Volunteer teaching and training in Sudan, Kashmir, Malawi and Myanmar as well as volunteering in the UK.

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