About the Academic Psychiatry Faculty

The Academic Faculty aims to promote, facilitate, and stimulate interest in high-quality clinical research and teaching.

We are also concerned with ensuring the availability of appropriate clinical training and job opportunities for those entering academic careers.

The Academic Faculty promotes academic psychiatry as a key area of relevance to all psychiatrists.

Academic psychiatrists undertake research and educational activities to improve our understanding and treatment of psychiatric disorders. The field of academic psychiatry is inter-disciplinary, cuts across all specialities and levels of practice, and promotes inclusivity/diversity.

The priorities for the Faculty include:

  • raising awareness that all trainees need research training – not only those pursuing an academic career
  • promoting academic psychiatry as a career
  • ensuring that academic psychiatry takes into consideration experiences from patients and carers
  • advocating for recognition of the valuable contribution of academic psychiatry and clinical academics to delivery of high quality mental health services
  • ensuring academic skills are recognised as being integral to evidence-based practice
  • supporting the development, improvement and dissemination of evidence-based interventions
  • representing the views and interests of academic psychiatrists of all levels within the College
  • ensuring funding organisations and government bodies recognise potential to contribution to guiding, delivering and implementing studies of mental health, and interfaces with other medical specialties
  • encouraging the College to lobby for resources for psychiatric research and training with external organisations
  • advising on academic aspects of training (i.e. research and teaching skills) for all psychiatrists and on all aspects of training for academic psychiatrists
  • advising on issues relating to CPD appraisal and revalidation for academic psychiatrists
  • promoting and facilitating psychiatric research, including through research networks and partnerships
  • encouraging and facilitating the highest academic standards at College meetings
  • encouraging Higher Education Institutions to offer relevant and appealing curricula in undergraduate psychiatry
  • improving the quality of, and evidence base for, teaching in psychiatry
  • communicating evidence-based diverse perspectives on mental health and psychiatric disorders to the public.

The Academic Faculty is open to all College members and fellows. It is of special relevance for those working within universities and other academic institutions and those for whom research and/or education comprise a substantial part of their job plans.

Sign in to the members' section to join our faculty or update your details.

If you would like to get in touch please email us.
Details of the 2025 conference will be posted here.

Executive Committee

Member Year of joining Position
Prof. Allan Young 2024 (E) Chair
Prof. Samuel Chamberlain 2022 (E) Vice Chair
Dr Lindsey Sinclair 2022 (E) Financial Officer
Prof. Saeed Farooq 2024 (C) Academic Secretary
Dr Laith Alexander 2023 (C) PTC Rep
Prof. David Baldwin 2021 (C) BAP Representative
Dr Helen Bould 2021 (C) Committee Member
Prof. Mary Cannon 2022 (E) Committee Member
Prof. Jonathan Cavanagh 2023 (C) Scotland
Prof. Angela Hassiotis 2024 (E) Committee Member
Prof. Oliver Howes 2022 (C) Psychopharmacology Committee
Dr Nusrat Husain 2024 (C) Committee Member
Dr Sameer Jauhar 2022 (E) Committee Member
Prof. Ian Jones 2008 (C) Committee Member
Prof. Ania Korszun 2024 (C) Committee Member
Dr Emmeline Lagunes Cordoba 2021 (C) SAS Doctor Representative
Prof. Stephen Lawrie 2010 (C) Scotland
Prof. Anne Lingford-Hughes 2024 (C) Committee Member
Prof. Gin Malhi 2023 (C) Editor
Ms Emma McAllister 2023 (A) Patient Representative
Dr Muhammad Memon 2024 (E) Committee Member
Dr Ciaran Mulholland 2020 (C) Northern Ireland
Miss Nikki Nabavi 2023 (C) Student / Foundation Doctor Associate Rep
Dr Musa Sami 2022 (E) Committee Member
Dr Kapil Sayal 2024 (E) Committee Member
Prof. Rohit Shankar 2024 (C) Associate Dean
Dr Lade Smith 2016 (C) Committee Member
Dr Oliver Sparasci 2024 (E) Committee Member
Dr Ekkehart Staufenberg 2022 (E) Committee Member
Dr Lucy Stirland 2024 (E) Committee Member
Dr Paul Stokes 2022 (E) Committee Member
Prof. Charlotte Wilson Jones 2020 (C) Associate Dean
Prof. Peter Woodruff 2024 (E) Committee Member

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