Events, prizes and bursaries

Faculty of Eating Disorders Conference 2024

Date: Tuesday 12 - Wednesday 13 November 2024

Location: RCPsych London Offices (in-person/livestreamed)

Faculty of Eating Disorders Psychiatry Annual Conference 5-6 November 2020

STRIPED Study – Socioeconomic cost of eating disorder in the USA

Professor Bryn Austin, Immediate Past President of the Academy of Eating Disorders, presents the findings from a social impact report on eating disorder in the US. 


Each bursary includes up to £100 towards travel expenses and free registration at our annual meeting. If the annual meeting is online the 'bursary' will provide free registration only.



Who can apply

Bursaries are available for:

  • medical students
  • foundation year doctors (FY1-2)
  • core psychiatric trainees (CT1-3)
  • advanced psychiatric trainees (ST4-6)
  • service users and carers.

Closing date

Sunday 21 July 2024.


Medical students and trainee doctors should email a brief CV (no longer than one side of A4) with a covering letter, stating in no more than 200 words why you would like to attend the meeting and how you will share your learning.

Service users and carers should email a letter stating in no more than 200 words why you are interested in attending the meeting.

Please state clearly which of the bursaries you are applying for.


£500 plus free registration at the Faculty's annual conference.



Who can enter

Medical students and doctors in training.

Where presented

Our annual conference, normally in November/December.


  • The format of the prize will be an essay of up to 2,000 words (excluding title and references) on a subject set by the Faculty each year.
  • References should be presented as footnotes and endnotes; references presented in alternative formats may be considered to be part of the word limit.
  • Entries will be shortlisted and judged by a panel appointed by our executive committee. Should a minimum standard not be achieved, the prizes may not be awarded.
  • The prize-winning essay will be published on our website.

Essay title

The essay title for 2024 is "How to address the treatment gap for patients with eating disorders and help with their recovery?"

Closing date

Friday 20 September 2024


Please email your essay.

This prize has been established for the best poster presentation at our annual meeting by a psychiatric trainee. We wish to encourage interest in eating disorders psychiatry and research in the specialism.





Who can enter

Psychiatric trainees CT1-3 and ST4-6, as well as comparable European colleagues. Presentations specifically invited by the Faculty and work funded by the Faculty are not eligible.

Where presented

Our annual faculty conference usually held in November each year.


  1. This prize will be awarded on the basis of originality and the relevance of eating disorders in the poster presentation
  2. Information on submitting posters for presentation at the Annual Meeting will be posted each year. Please note that posters are not automatically entered for the prize.  If you are submitting a poster and want to be considered for the prize, please make it clear in your accompanying message
  3. The prizewinner will be expected to provide a summary article for our newsletter and the full text of their poster presentation for inclusion on the College website
  4. The judging panel will consist of our Chair and two other members of the executive committee.

Closing date

Check conference documentation each year.

How to submit

You can submit your abstract through the annual meeting webpage which you can find in the Events section of the College website

We have established two annual research bursaries of £2,500 each to increase awareness, research and understanding about eating disorders.

The Faculty is keen to consider topics related to its strategic objectives:

  • research into eating disorders training for doctors during medical education
  • research into choosing eating disorder psychiatry as a career/workforce
  • research into eating disorder services/ treatment outcomes.

Please note: In 2024 we will be awarding one bursary only.

Who can apply

Psychiatric trainees (Psychiatry F1-F2, CT1-3, ST4-6), specialty doctors and new consultants. Established academics may be involved as local supervisors.

Rules and key criteria

Your research proposal can be on any theme related to eating disorders including treatment, pathways, therapies, new ideas, patient care and carer support.

The selected research proposal must be completed within a year of the bursary being awarded.

Successful applicants will be allocated a named supervisor from the Faculty of Eating Disorders. They can also have a local supervisor where they currently work.

The winners of the research bursary will be expected to present their findings at the Faculty’s Annual Conference the year following the award.

How to enter

Please email your research proposal. There is a maximum word count of 2,000 words.

Closing date

The closing date is Friday 20 September 2024.

If you require any additional information, please email us.

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