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180 search results for mentor

  • The Aggrey Burke Fellowship for Black Medical Students

    including a mentor, CPD fund and a fully funded place at RCPsych International Congress. RCPsych, medical students at UK universities. It offers are range of benefits including: mentoring (senior trainee, SAS or consultant) – where possible, your mentor will be aligned to your career interests, to facilitate networking with each other, College members, officers and mentors. access to RCPsych

  • Get involved with the North West Division| Royal College of Psychiatrists

    . Taking part in our mentoring scheme The North West, in partnership with the Northern and Yorkshire Division, runs a successful and well used mentoring scheme. Whether you'd be willing to use your experience and skills and become a mentor, or you'd benefit from having a mentor, we'd love to hear from you. Find out more about the mentoring scheme. Representing the Division at the annual Mindmasters quiz

  • Get involved with the Northern and Yorkshire Division| Royal College of Psychiatrists

    in our mentoring scheme The Northern and Yorkshire Division, in partnership with the North West Division, runs a successful and well used mentoring scheme. Whether you'd be willing to use your experience and skills and become a mentor, or you'd benefit from having a mentor, we'd love to hear from you. Find out more about the mentoring scheme. Promoting psychiatry We’re committed to promoting

  • Leadership development

    dipped in and out of through accessing on-line learning, coaching and mentorship and less formal, with or seek help via coaching or mentorship. “I’ve not failed, just found 10000 ways that don’t, group, to colleagues from other disciplines, through to formal mentoring or coaching arrangements, model. Fellows proactively engage in local leadership projects and are mentored by senior medical, by experienced facilitators and coaches, personal mentoring by a senior leader who has combined

  • Psych Star Scheme | Royal College of Psychiatrists

    from the College. Mentoring – You will be assigned a mentor to give you advice and support, so you can network with other Psych Stars and mentors. International Congress – you will be given free, to psychiatry seeking mentoring and financial support for activities intended to increase awareness and knowledge of Psychiatry.Scheme participants will be supported financially, receive mentoring, heard from a current Psych Star and a Psych Star mentor who shared their experience of the scheme

  • Northern and Yorkshire Executive vacancies

    interested in this position, please email Mentorship Lead Term of office Four years Job purpose The divisional lead for Mentoring should be a Member of the College who has knowledge or an interest in mentoring and or/coaching for psychiatrists at all

  • Green Scholars

    get a dedicated study budget for their project with training and mentoring throughout the year. We

  • ADHD la adulți | ADHD in adults | Translations | Royal College of Psychiatrists

    tratament medicamentos. Îndrumare și mentorat Îndrumătorii sau mentorii vă pot ajuta să vă, persoanelor cu ADHD. Este important să vă amintiți, însă, că îndrumarea și mentoratul sunt activități, mentorat variază în ceea ce privește calitatea și experiența celor care le furnizează. ADHD Europe

  • Resurface

    big wave surfer, which offers instruction and mentoring in the art of surfing to war veterans, recovery aided also by his medication. Mentor and accomplished surfer His engagement in the task of self-improvement was so positive that he soon became not only an accomplished surfer but also a mentor

  • PTC blog - March 2020

    what a stressful time this can be! Along this supportive theme, we’ve got our mentoring guide coming soon highlighting how valuable having a mentor/being a mentee can be and most importantly, how to navigate through the mentoring process to achieve the results you want. We’re collaborating

Read more to receive further information regarding a career in psychiatry