Literature searching using Ovid and PubMed
Literature searches
Members can undertake their own literature searches using EBSCO, Ovid or PubMed.
EBSCO Databases is a subset of our eLibrary, hosting MEDLINE (c1946-, US focussed) and PsycINFO databases. You firstly need to be logged in to your OpenAthens account. If you don't have an Athens account, please email the Library to register for access. For greater accuracy, search each database separately, and export sets of results to Word. In this way, you can use the filters available in different databases to refine your search.
For Ovid, you also need to login using your OpenAthens account. Ovid provides access to Embase (1974-, Europe/pharmaceuticals focussed)), and also several journal titles not available from our eLibrary.
PubMed is essentially a free version of Medline that anyone can access. Select the Advanced Search option to combine the terms in your search strategy.
To achieve comprehensive results, you should search as many databases as possible.
If you have any questions or would like a Librarian to do a literature search on your behalf, please contact the Library.
The Library regularly reviews its online subscriptions based on cost, usage and relevance. Please email us any feedback (good or bad) you may have on our services.