Please see below for further opportunities to develop skills in digital mental health.
If you have any opportunities you would like to share on this page, please complete the form on our submissions page.
Digital Health London
A London-based initiative connecting NHS staff, digital health companies and academics to drive digital healthcare transformation. Visit their site to see their available mentorship programmes.
NHS Confederation Mental Health Network
This is a network of statutory, independent and third sector healthcare providers aiming to improve clinical standards. Visit their website to see their practical guide on building digital skills in mental health teams.
NHS Digital Academy
This is an initiative aimed towards a digital health and social care workforce. Visit the NHS Digital Academy website to see their available programmes for building skills and leadership in digital healthcare.
A research unit within Greater Manchester Mental Health NHS Foundation Trust (GMMH) which is affiliated to the Centre for Women’s Mental Health (CWMH) at the University of Manchester. Visit the GM.Digital website to see their digital technology research for the mental wellbeing of young people and families.
Imperial College London
The Mental Health Innovation research group within the Institute of Global Health aims to develop digital innovations for communities who find it difficult to access mental healthcare.
National Institute of Health Research (NIHR)
The NIHR (National Institute of Health Research) centre focusing on new technologies for mental healthcare and dementia. Visit their website to discover their current range of digital projects.
The Alan Turing Institute
The UK’s national institute for data science and artificial intelligence (AI) prioritises interdisciplinary collaboration to address real-world problems, visit their website to see their work in neuroscience.
The Division of Digital Psychiatry (BIDMC)
The Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center (BIDMC, Boston) houses the Division of Digital Psychiatry and associated Digital Skills Education Hub. Visit their website to learn more about their evidence-based approach to using digital technologies in mental health.
UK Research & Innovation
A non-departmental public body sponsored by the Department for Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy (BEIS). Visit their website to find out more about their investment into devices and technology for mental health. (hyperlink above title to link.
University of Plymouth
The Centre for Health Technology focuses on digitally-enabled innovations in healthcare - visit the website to see their work, especially on assistive music technology and artificial intelligence (AI) for people diagnosed with dementia.
University of York
The Digital Mental Health group considers the utility, challenges, costs and risks associated with technology use in mental health care. Visit their website for more details about their projects.
Stanford Lab for Mental Health Innovation
Focusing on the intersection of mental healthcare, technology, and business, this initiative seeks to support innovators working on high-quality technology products in mental health.
Pecha Kucha Competition
Pecha Kucha is a presentation style where the presenter shows 20 slides for 20 seconds each.
This year's Pecha Kucha competition is now open. Details can be found on the Digital SIG conference event page.
To see examples of past poster prize entrants and winners, view our past events pages.
Poster Prizes
Details of future DPSIG poster competitions will be posted here.
To see examples of past poster prize entrants and winners, view our past events pages.