Themed Archive (programme based)
Dr Jack Dominion – Forgiveness and Reconciliation
Dr Fraser Watts – Forgiveness: Psychological and Religious Aspects
Dr Femi Oyebode – Forgiveness and Reconciliation
Dr Kishore Chandiramani – Vipassana Meditation
Dr de Wet Vorster – Engaging the Spiritual Mind
Dr Chris Holman – Perverse Spirituality
Dr Sunil Raheja – Examining our Spiritual Spectacles
Mary Nathan MSc Overcoming Barriers to the Provision of Spiritual Care: the place of compassion in clinical practice (pdf)
Dr Larry Culliford Psychiatry - A Labour of Love? (A Journey in Search of No-Self) (pdf)
Dr Sarah Eagger Love in the Time of Old Age (pdf)
Dr Gwen Adshead – Capacities and dispositions: reflections on Good and Evil from a forensic psychiatrist
The Right Revd Dominic Walker – Is Evil Necessary?
The Revd Dr John Swinton – Does Evil have to exist to be real? The discourse of evil and the practice of mental health care
Dr Andrew Powell – Putting the Soul into Psychiatry (publication)
Rev Alison Kennedy Spirituality, music and psychiatry
Dr Robert Lawrence 'God's place' in Psychiatry - Spirituality in psychiatric education and training
Dr Nigel Copsey Spiritual and cultural care in East London
Ms Sue Irving The place of spirituality in psychoanalytical psychotherapy
Dr David Reilly – Psychiatry's Part in The Fragmented Art of Human Healing
Dr Jenny Barraclough – Integrated Cancer Care
Dr Michael Weir and Christine Perry – Non-ordinary States of Consciousness in Healing and Health: the work and techniques of Stanislav Grof
Neil Hawkes and Linda Heppenstall – Living Values - One primary school's way of encouraging a values-based education
Professor Mark Williams – Mindfulness Based Cognitive Therapy and the Prevention of Relapse in Depression
Reinhard Kowalski – MindBalancing - Meditation as an Evolutionary Step
Dr Helena Waters – Dru Yoga for Transforming Emotional Pain
Dr Cherrie Coghlan – ‘May your God go with you!’ Spiritual Themes and Issues in a General Psychiatric Setting
Revd Chris MacKenna – The Birth, Death, Rebirth, and Transformation of God
Professor C C H Cook – The Concept of Spirituality as Understood and Applied in Addictions Research and Treatment
Dr Haraldur Erlendsson Multiple Personality Disorder – Demons and Angels or Archetypal aspects of the inner self? (pdf)
Revd Dr Martin Israel Exorcism and Deliverance (pdf)
Dr Alan Sanderson Spirit Release Therapy: what it is and what can it achieve? A clinical presentation of therapist and patient perspectives (pdf)
Canon Beaumont Stevenson When the part takes over the whole – practical, psychological and spiritual aspects of the Ministry of Deliverance (pdf)
Professor Andrew Sims Mysterious ways: Spirituality and British psychiatry in the 20th century (pdf)
Dr Peter Fenwick The Neuroscience of Spirituality (pdf)
Dr Robert M Lawrence The Integration Of Spirituality In Psychiatric Teaching: The Lesson To Be Learned From Our Patients (pdf)
Dr John Edmondson The Spirituality of the Child: an Overview (pdf)
Dr Kedar Dwivedi Developmental Aspects of Emotional Competence and Buddhism (pdf)
Dr Valerie Clark Teenage Bereavement: some Spiritual and Moral Issues (pdf)
Margaret Kennedy Christianity and Child Sexual Abuse - Survivors informing the Care of Children following Abuse (pdf)
Dr Peter Fenwick Scientific evidence for the efficacy of prayer (pdf)
Patricia Higgins RMN, Rev Richard Allen, Dr Samina Karamat & Dr Robert Lawrence Candlelight Group I: a pilot project for people with dementia (pdf)
Dr Samina Karamat, Patricia Higgins, Julia Head & Dr Robert Lawrence Candlelight Group II: brief comments about congregational rituals in dementia care for a multi-faith community (pdf)
Dr Oyepeju Raji Prayer and medicine, a healthy alliance? (pdf)
Dr Andrew Powell Death and Soul Consciousness (publication)
Dr Peter Fenwick Dying: a spiritual experience as shown by Near Death Experiences and Deathbed Visions (pdf)
Canon Beaumont Stevenson Beyond Death: Different Spiritual Perspectives on the Outward Journey (pdf)
Dr Roger Woolger Beyond Death: Transition and the Afterlife (pdf)
Dr Mike Shooter Suicide - an Occupational Hazard (pdf)
Dr Cherrie Coghlan Stirring the Dormant Phoenix - Reflections on suicide and spirituality (pdf)
Dr Sally O'Brien Suicide and Spirituality (pdf)
Dr Nicola Crowley Holotropic Breathwork: Healing through a non-ordinary state of consciousness (pdf)
Professor Peter Conradi Calm-abiding meditation and the Ox-herding pictures (pdf)
Professor David Aldridge Songs at the end of life (pdf)
Professor John Swinton Why Psychiatry Needs Spirituality (pdf)
Professor Peter Gilbert Spirituality and Mental Health (pdf)
Rev Adrian McKenna In Dependent Bodies: Exploring a Christian Understanding of Disability (pdf)
Cristina Gangemi Supporting people with learning disabilities through a time of bereavement and loss (pdf)Revd Julia Head A rich tapestry: emergent themes in spirituality in the care of older adults with mental health needs (pdf)
Professor David Jolley & Professor Susan Benbow Spirituality and faith in dementia (pdf)
Dr Andrew Powell Spirituality and Later Life – A Personal Perspective (publication)
Dr Nicki Crowley Psychosis or spiritual emergence? – consideration of the transpersonal perspective within psychiatry (pdf)
Dr Ben Sessa From sacred plants to psychotherapy (pdf)
Dr Tim Read Non-ordinary states of consciousness and the transpersonal journey (pdf)
Revd Chris MacKenna Sexuality and spirituality – possible conjunctions (pdf)
Revd Dr Thaddeus Birchard Those twin levers that move the world – sexual and religious behaviour (pdf)
Dr Cherrie Coghlan The snake and the chalice (pdf)
Brni Sumati Chaitanya Beyond Suffering (pdf)
Dr Larry Culliford Love, Healing and Happiness (pdf)
Dr Andrew Powell Why Must We Suffer? A Psychiatrist Reflects (publication)
Professor Philip van der Eijk Body and Spirit in Greek medicine and philosophy (pdf)
Professor Eric Matthews Philosophical attitudes to body and spirit (pdf)
Professor Pali Hungin Sufferers with functional problems (pdf)
Dr Paramabandhu Groves Body and Spirit - a Buddhist perspective (pdf)
Ms Sarah Sourial A Personal Experience of Kundalini (pdf)
Dr Nicki Crowley Psychotic Episode or Spiritual Emergency? (pdf)
Dr Tim Read Transpersonal Psychiatry (pdf)
Professor Andrew Sims Is Faith Delusion? (pdf)
Dr Peter Verhagen Sanctifying Personhood (pdf)
Dr Simon Dein & Professor Roland Littlewood The Voice of God (pdf)
Dr Niko Kohls & Professor Harald Walach Lack of Spiritual Practice – an important risk factor for suffering from distress (pdf)
Harriet Mowat, John Swinton, Cameron Stark & Donald Mowat Religion and Suicide: exploring the role of the church in deaths by suicide in Highland, Scotland (pdf)Dr Paramabandhu Groves Spiritual Help - a Buddhist perspective (pdf)
Julia Head Recovery and Spiritual and Pastoral Care Services – a working model (pdf)
Dr Avdesh Sharma Meditation – the future medication (pdf)
Dr Chris Mace Mindfulness in Psychotherapy: from practice to theory (pdf)
Elizabeth Wilde McCormick Mindfulness within the structure of Cognitive Analytic Therapy (pdf)
Dr Jean-Marc Mantel Letting go of suffering: the path of non-duality (pdf)
Dr Rupert Sheldrake The Extended Mind (pdf)
Dr Peter Fenwick Wider human consciousness as shown by Death and Dying (pdf)
Professor David Fontana The Nature of a Possible Afterlife (pdf)
Professor Kate Loewenthal Spirituality and religion: friends or foes? Views from the orthodox Jewish Community
Professor Patricia Casey Religion and Spirituality: A Necessary Distinction?
Professor Douglas Davies Spirituality, Cultural Wisdom and Salvation
Dr Su Mason Spiritual Healing: What is it, does it work and does it have a place in modern healthcare? (pdf)
Dr Andrew Powell Healing and the Wounded Psyche (publication)
Dr Simon Dein Kabbalistic Healing (pdf)
Dr Athar Yawar Healing in the Sufi Tradition (pdf)
Canon Beaumont Stevenson Healing by Paradox in the Christian Tradition (pdf)
Professor Andrew Sims Intolerant Secularisation – an Introduction (pdf)
Lord Carey of Clifton Intolerant Secularism and its Impact on Modern Britain (pdf)
Andrea Williams Intolerant Secularisation (pdf)
Professor Rob Poole Secularism as a Professional Boundary in Psychiatry (pdf)
Eaisha Tareen Intolerance or Ignorance? (pdf)
Dr Iain McGilchrist Can the divided brain tell us anything about the ultimate nature of reality? (pdf)
Canon Andrew Shanks Hegel and religious faith (pdf)
Dr Peter Fenwick The neuroscience of spirituality (pdf)
Professor Patricia Casey Spirituality and religion in psychiatry: an introduction to the research evidence (pdf)
Dr Sarah Eagger Spirituality in psychiatry: implementing spiritual assessment (pdf)
Revd Ros Lane Living with and creating a spirituality of loss in a forensic context (pdf)
Dr Kalpana Dein Psychopathy - evil or mental disorder? (pdf)
Dr Gwen Adshead Their dark materials: narratives of redemption in forensic mental health (pdf)
Revd Michael Kavanagh & Liz Bird Identity change, spirituality and desistance from crime (pdf)
Professor Andrew Sims Religious delusions (pdf)
Dr Andrew Powell Introduction to programme 'Belief or Delusion?' (pdf)
Dr Tim Hardie & Dr Najat Khalifa Jinn and psychiatry: comparison of beliefs among Muslims in Dhaka and Leicester (pdf)
Professor Kate Loewenthal Spirit Possession: Jews don't do that, do they? (pdf)
Dr Alan Sanderson The treatment of Delusional States (pdf)
Revd Beatrice Brandon Symptoms of spiritual crisis and the therapeusis of healing (pdf)
Dr David MacDonald The role of the psychiatric advisor to the ministry of deliverance (pdf)
Professor Chris Cook How Spirituality is Relevant to Mental Healthcare and Ethical Concerns (pdf)
Dr Sarah Eagger Spirituality in psychiatry: Implementing spiritual assessment (pdf)
Dr Simon Dein Religion and Mental Health: Current Findings (pdf)
Revd Paul Walker Spiritual Care, Giving and Receiving (pdf)
Dr Penny Campling Culture, Kinship and Intelligent Kindness (pdf)
Mr Martin Wells Kindness - a Natural Condition (pdf)
Dr Simon Dein Recent Advances in Neurotheology (pdf)
Dr Alasdair Coles Temporal Lobe Epilepsy and Dostoyevsky Seizures (pdf)
Dr Peter Kevern Dementia and Spirituality (pdf)
Dr Quinton Deeley Cognitive Style, Spirituality, and Religious Understanding: The Case of Autism (pdf)
Professor Chris Cook Transcendence, Immanence, and Mental Health (pdf)
Professor Emmy van Deurzen Transcendence and the Psychotherapeutic Quest for Happiness (pdf)
Professor Paul Heelas Neither Transcendent nor Immanent: Life Force Psychiatry (pdf)
Dr Isabel Clarke Transcendence and the Transliminal (pdf)
Dr Parambandhu Groves Mindfulness Contextualised. The Buddhist tradition (pdf)
Dr Russell Razzaque Mindfulness in mental health; a clinician's journey (pdf)
Dr Tamara Russell Mindfulness: In Mind? In Brain? (pdf)
Daniel Singleton & Rodie Garland Faith and Health in the Public Square. The Last Taboo (pdf)
Dr Rob Waller The Mental Health Access Pack: Equipping Churches (pdf)
Prof Martin Aaron JAMI, the Jewish Association for Mental Illness (pdf)
Louise Vaughan & Wilma Bols Whole Person Health (pdf)
Bishop Richard Moth Listen Carefully and Attend with the Ear of your Heart (pdf)
Professor Chris Cook Hallucinations and spiritual experience: Voices, Visions and Revelation (pdf)
Dr Andrew Powell The Healing Potential of Anomalous Perceptual Experiences (pdf)
Dr Alan Sanderson The significance of hallucinations in dissociative identity disorder (pdf)
Dr Peter Fenwick Perceptions of Beyond in the Near Death Experience and at the end of life (pdf)
Isabel Clarke Schizotypy and the experience of transliminal phenomena (pdf)
Professor Chris Cook Hearing Voices in the Christian Mystical Tradition (pdf)
Dr Alison Gray Stigma and stigmata (pdf)
Dr Jo Barber Lived experience of stigma and recovery (pdf)
Dr Andrew Powell Prejudice - Can We Live Without It? (publication)
Professor Kate Loewenthal Anti-Semitism and its mental health effects (pdf)
Monseigneur Keith Barltrop Catholic and gay - a stigma? (pdf)
Jayne Ozanne Spiritual abuse: the next great scandal for the Church (pdf)