Publications Archive
This extensive archive from 2001-2017 consists of publications from two sources: papers of interest written by members of the Special Interest Group and papers published in the SPSIG newsletter, including guest contributions.
For your convenience, the archive is in two sections. The first section, found below, is alphabetical (author-indexed). The second is themed (programme-based).
The SPSIG is intended to be a forum for discussion in which a wide range of ideas can be expressed and valued, as much for their diversity as what they have in common. The aim of this archive is to inform, encourage and, sometimes, we hope, to inspire.
Please note that publications by the SPSIG represent the views of individual members or its Executive and do not represent College policy unless specified.
Dr Jo Barber
Mgr Keith Barltrop
Dr Jenny Barraclough
Dr Samantha Batt-Rawden
Revd Dr Thaddeus Birchard
Liz Bird & Mike Kavanagh
The Revd Beatrice Brandon
Sue Brayne and Dr. Peter Fenwick
Dr Craig Brown
Professor Patricia Casey
- Religion and Spirituality: a necessary distinction?
- Spirituality and religion in psychiatry: an introduction to the research evidence
Dr Isabel Clarke
- Psychosis and spirituality: the journey of an idea
- Transcendence and the Transliminal
- Schizotypy and the experience of transliminal phenomena
Dr Cherrie Coghlan
- "May your God go with you!" Spiritual themes and issues in a general psychiatric setting
- Stirring the dormant phoenix - reflections on suicide and spirituality
- The snake and the chalice
Dr Alasdair Coles
Professor C C H Cook
- The concept of spirituality as understood and applied in addictions research and treatment
- The faith of the psychiatrist
- How Spirituality is Relevant to Mental Healthcare and Ethical Concerns
- Transcendence, Immanence, and Mental Health
- Hallucinations and Spiritual Experience: Voices, Visions and Revelation
- Hearing Voices in the Christian Mystical Tradition
Professor Peter Conradi
Dr Nigel Copsey
Elizabeth Cosgrove
Dr Nicki Crowley
- Introduction to conference Beyond Death: Does Consciousness Survive?
- Holotropic breathwork: healing through a non-ordinary state of consciousness
- Psychosis or spiritual emergence?
- Psychotic episode or spiritual emergency - the transformative potential of psychosis in recovery
Dr Larry Culliford
Professor Douglas J Davies
Dr Simon Dein and Professor Roland Littlewood
Dr Simon Dein
- The Faith of Patients
- Kabbalistic Healing
- Religion and Mental Health: Current Findings
- Recent Advances in Neurotheology
Dr Kalpana Dein
Dr Quinton Deely
Dr Jack Dominion
- Love in the time of old age
- A guide to the assessment of spiritual concerns in mental healthcare
- Learning Values in Healthcare
- Meditation workshops at the College Annual Meeting
- Implementing spiritual assessment
Dr John Edmondson
Professor Philip van der Eijk
Dr Haraldur Erlendsson
- Dying: a spiritual experience as shown by Near Death Experiences and deathbed visions'
- Scientific evidence for the efficacy of prayer
- Wider human consciousness as shown by death and dying
- The neuroscience of spirituality
- Perceptions of Beyond in the Near Death Experience and at the end of life
Professor David Fontana
Cristina Gangemi
Professor Gerrit Glas
Professor Peter Gilbert
- Spirituality and mental health
- Introduction to spirituality, religion and mental health: a brief evidence resource
Dr Alison Gray
Dr Paramabandhu Groves
- Body and spirit - a Buddhist perspective
- Spiritual Help: a Buddhist Perspective
- Kindness Behaviour Training
- Mindfulness Contextualised. The Buddhist tradition
Dr Nick Hallett
Dr Tim Hardie, Dr Najat Khalifa & Professor Mohammad S I Mullick
Laura Harrison
Julia Head
- 'Please pray for me’: the significance of prayer for mental and emotional well-being
- A rich tapestry: emergent themes in spirituality in the care of older adults with mental health needs
- Recovery and Spiritual and Pastoral Care Services: A Working Model
- The Spirituality of Compassion
Professor Paul Heelas
Patricia Higgins
Neville Hodgkinson
Dr Chris Holman
Dr David Hope
Professor Pali Hungin
Dr Chris Irons
Susan Irving
Revd Dr Martin Israel
Dr David Jolley and Dr Susan Benbow
Dr Chetna Kang
Dr Samina Karamat
Revd Alison Kennedy
Dr Peter Kevern
Roxanne Keynejad
Professor Michael King
Dr Niko Kohls and Professor Harald Walach
Reinhard Kowalski
Revd Ros Lane
Professor David Larson
- Patient Spirituality and Mental Health: A new focus in clinical care and research part one
- Patient Spirituality and Mental Health: A new focus in clinical care and research part two
- The Patient's Spiritual/Religious Dimension: A forgotten factor in mental health
Dr Robert Lawrence
Dr Robert Lawrence and Dr Oyepeju Raji
Professor Kate Loewenthal
- Spirituality and Religion: friends or foes?
- Spirit possession: Jews don’t do that, do they?
- Anti-Semitism and its mental health effects
Dr Pim van Lommel
Dr Chris Mace
Dr David MacDonald
Revd Chris MacKenna
- The birth, death, rebirth, and transformation of God
- Sexuality and spirituality - possible conjunctions
Dr Jean-Marc Mantel
- A spiritual psychiatry - challenge or heresy?
- A contemplative approach to psychotherapy
- Letting go of suffering: the path of non-duality
- Therapy without the therapist
Dr Su Mason
Dr John Mathai
Professor Eric Matthews
Elizabeth Wilde McCormick
Dr Iain McGilchrist
Dr Calum Miller
Bishop Richard Moth
Dr Mary Murray and Josefine Speyer
Dr Saliha Nazir
Dr Sally O'Brien
Professor Femi Oyebode
Jayne Ozanne
Dr James Pandarakalam
- The spiritualisation of post-traumatic stress disorder
- Parapsychology relevant to spirituality and psychiatry
- The wailing of a helpless soul
- Aspects of religion relevant to psychiatry
- Fatima apparitional experiences
- Garabandal visionary experiences
- An emperor in parapsychology
- A search for the truth of past life regression
- The biblical reincarnation
- New horizons in consciousness studies
- Beyond the quantum mind
- Spirituality and occupational hazards of psychiatry
- A search for the truth of Near Death Experiences
- Marian apparitions and discarnate existence
Alexandra Pittock
Professor Rob Poole
Dr Andrew Powell
- The soul of the newborn child
- Soul consciousness and human suffering: psychotherapeutic approaches to healing
- Beyond space and time - the unbounded psyche
- The unquiet self and the search for peace
- Spirituality and science: a personal view
- Psychosocial implications of the shadow
- Putting the soul into psychiatry
- Good and evil - a psychiatrist's perspective
- Mental health and spirituality
- Consciousness that transcends space-time: its significance for the therapeutic process
- Psychiatry and spirit release therapy
- Varieties of love and the near-life experience
- Spirituality, healing and the mind
- Death and soul consciousness
- Spirituality and later life - a personal perspective
- The contribution of spirit release therapy to mental health
- Why must we suffer? a psychiatrist reflects
- Spirituality and psychiatry - crossing the divide
- Whither the soul of psychiatry?
- Past life memory - a key to understanding the self?
- Soul-centred psychotherapy
- Healing and the wounded psyche
- Open heart, open mind: conversing with the soul
- Recovery and well-being: the search for the soul
- Vocation under duress
- The whole patient
- What does it mean to be human?
- The place of medicine in today's world
- Technology and soul in the 21st Century
- Modernity and the beleaguered soul
- Helping patients tell their story: narratives of body, mind and soul
- Prejudice - can we live without it?
Dr Andrew Powell and Revd Chris MacKenna
Dr Elizabeth Procter
Dr Oyepeju Raji
Dr Patte Randal and Dr. Nick Argyle
Dr Russell Razzaque
Dr Tim Read
- The transpersonal model of the psyche
- Transpersonal psychiatry
- Archetype 2012 and our global mid-life crisis
Dr David Reilly
Elsa Rossi
Dr Tamara Russell
Professor Mohamed Salem
- Religion, spirituality and psychiatry
- The spiritual support group - Medway Maritime Hospital experience
- Heart, mind and spirit
Dr Alan Sanderson
- Spirit releasement therapy
- Spirit release therapy: what is it and what can it achieve? A clinical presentation of therapist and patient perspectives
- The case for spirit release
- The third transformation
- The treatment of patients with delusional states
- The significance of hallucinations in dissociative identity disorder
Dr Ben Sessa
Canon Andrew Shanks
Gunjan Sharma
Dr Rupert Sheldrake
Dr Mike Shooter
Professor Andrew Sims
Dr Maya Spencer
Canon Beaumont Stevenson
- Beyond death: different spiritual perspectives on the outward journey
- When the part takes over the whole: practical, psychological and spiritual aspects of the Ministry of Deliverance
- Healing by paradox in the Christian tradition
Professor John Swinton
Dr Peter Verhagen
Dr de Wet Vorster
The Right Revd. Dominic Walker
Revd Paul Walker
Dr Fraser Watts
Dr Michael Weir and Christine Perry
Martin Wells
Andrea Williams
Professor Mark Williams
Dr Roger Woolger
Dr Athar Yawar