Resources for specialists

Autism Central for Parents and Carers

Autism Central is a peer education programme, commissioned by NHS England. It aims to build knowledge and understanding of autism and empower families and carers to advocate for autistic people they support.

International Association for Child and Adolescent Psychiatry and Allied Professions

Subscribe to the IACAPAP newsletter and read their news.

Paediatric liaison network

Our network is an international group of child and adolescent psychiatrists who work with paediatric staff.

We discuss clinical and non-clinical issues, particularly policy and the promotion of mental health in paediatric practice.

We meet in conferences in various UK locations twice a year.

If you are interested in joining please email us.

The Anna Freud National Centre for Children and Families has a series of expert podcasts to help parents understand and manage child and family mental health problems. 

You can access the monthly podcast via their websiteiTunes or Soundcloud.

Child and Adolescent Psychiatry Surveillance System (CAPSS)

CAPSS assists clinicians and researchers in ascertaining nationally cases of rare childhood mental health conditions. 

CAPSS is based within our College Centre for Quality Improvement.


MindEd is an eLearning resource aimed at everyone with a duty of care for children and young people, whether this be through their work or outside it in a voluntary or charitable capacity. This could be as a counsellor, teacher or police officer, an athletics or football coach, or through involvement with the Scouts or Brownies.

If your patients require easy-to-understand information about a wide range of mental health topics, you can download, print or order hard copies of our leaflets for young people.

Our leaflets can be handed out to patients and carers, put in waiting rooms, or shared with colleagues during mental health awareness weeks.

Witness seminar transcript on the development of child and adolescent psychiatry from 1960-1990

Find out what a witness seminar is and read the transcript

Read more to receive further information regarding a career in psychiatry