News and reports
See the latest news, reports and resources from the Faculty of Intellectual Disability psychiatry.
Call for articles
We are now accepting articles for the next edition of the Faculty of ID Psychiatry Newsletter!
We will consider any article that may be of interest to our readers in the Intellectual Disability Faculty. This includes articles about:
- current debates and topical issues ID in culture e.g. book reviews/film reviews
- ID at work e.g achievements in your services
- projects including audits/QI/research at both a local and national level
- learning from conferences
- medical student reflections
- and many more.
This Newsletter encourages submissions from clinicians, students, service users, carers and members of the wider multidisciplinary workforce.
Articles guidelines:
- Use accessible language
- Around 2 pages of A4, or 800 words
- No more than 5 references (Harvard style) should be included for each article
- Kindly Include photos of yourself and other relevant images/charts
- Articles should be emailed to
Join the Editorial Team
The Editorial Team also welcome expressions of interest to join us on the team. This can be team members of any level. Please do send a paragraph about yourself, why you would be keen to join the editorial team and what previous relevant experience you have.
Any queries, submissions or expressions of interest to be sent to
Read our most recent newsletters:
- August 2024
- December 2023
- May 2023
- October 2021
- December 2020
- June 2020
- September 2019
- April 2019
- October 2018
- April 2018
- October 2017
If you would like an earlier newsletter, please email our archivist.
- Psychological therapies and people who have intellectual disabilities
- Challenging behaviour: a unified approach – update April 2016 (PDF)
- Psychotropic drug prescribing for people with intellectual disability, mental health problems and/or behaviours that challenge: practice guidelines April 2016 (PDF)
- Community-based services for people with intellectual disability and mental health problems May 2015 (PDF)
- An Intellectual Disability Outcomes Framework for improving the quality of services for people with intellectual disability May 2015 (PDF)
- Care pathways for people with intellectual disability September 2014 (PDF)
- Forensic care pathways for adults with intellectual disability involved with the criminal justice system February 2014 (PDF)
- People with learning disability and mental health, behavioural or forensic problems: the role of in-patient services July 2013 (PDF)
- Minority ethnic communities and specialist learning disability services July 2011(PDF)
- Future role of psychiatrists working with people with learning disability January 2011 (PDF)
- Guidance on copying clinical letters to patients (Word).
- PS05/21 Stopping the overmedication of people with intellectual disability, autism or both (STOMP) and supporting treatment and approapriate medication in paediatrics August 2021
- CR230 ADHD in adults with intellectual disability February 2021
- Step Together: Integrating care for people with epilepsy and learning disability November 2020
- CR226 Mental health services for adults with mild intellectual disability March 2020
- CR206 Prescribing anti-epileptic drugs for people with epilepsy and intellectual disability October 2017
- CR203 Management of epilepsy in adults with intellectual disability May 2017
- CR200 Psychiatric services for young people with intellectual disabilities Aug 2016
- CR196 Dementia and people with learning disabilities, joint report with BPS, 2015
- CR144 Challenging Behaviour: A Unified Approach June 20017
- Challenging behaviour: a unified approach – update April 2016
- LeDeR 2021: Learning from the lives and deaths of people with a learning disability and autistic people. An easy read version is also available. July 2022
- Mental Health Tribunals: letter from the HM Courts and Tribunals Service regarding face to face and virtual Tribunal hearings, January 2022. You can also find the easy read guide to face to face tribunals and easy read guide to virtual tribunals here.
- NICE impact: people with a learning disability, November 2021
- Accessible workbook for people with learning disabilities and psychosis, Easy Read version, Avon and Wiltshire Mental Health Partnership NHS Trust, July 2020
- Mental Health Virtual Tribunal - Easy Read version, Hertfordshire Partnership University NHS Trust, July 2020
- Mental Health Face to Face Tribunal - Easy Read version, Hertfordshire Partnership University NHS Trust, July 2020
- No Medication...? Why...? Medication might not be the best thing to help people with learning disabilities or autism who are showing challenging behaviours
- World Psychiatric Association (WPA) report on mental health issues in people with intellectual disability
- BPS: Incorporating Attachment Theory into Practice: Clinical Practice Guideline for Clinical Psychologists working with People who have Intellectual Disabilities, June 2017
- NICE guideline on Mental Health problems in people with learning disabilities, September 2016
- Guidance for prison healthcare staff treating patients with learning disabilities
- Guidance on the assessment and diagnosis of intellectual disabilities in adulthood
- Improving the Health and Wellbeing of People with Learning Disabilities: An Evidence-Based Commissioning Guide for Clinical Commissioning Groups (CCGs)
- CIPOLD: Confidential Inquiry into premature deaths of people with learning disabilities
- Department of Health Concordat on Winterbourne View (easy read format)
- Department of Health Final Report on Winterbourne View (easy read format)
- South Gloucestershire Serious Case Review (easy read format)
- CQC report on 150 unannounced inspections to care homes (easy read format)
- Forgotten Europeans Forgotten Rights
- CQC action plan for learning disability
- SUDEP leaflet: Epilepsy – make your risk smaller (easy read format)
- PS05/21 Stopping the overmedication of people with intellectual disability, autism or both (STOMP) and supporting treatment and appropriate medication in paediatrics (STAMP) August 2021
- Stopping Overuse of Medication in People with Learning Disability (STOMP)
- No Medication...? Why...?: Medication might not be the best thing to help people with learning disabilities or autism who are showing challenging behaviours