About the Faculty of Medical Psychotherapy

The aims of our faculty are:

  • to advance both within and without the College all modalities of psychotherapy (cognitive behavioural, psychodynamic and systemic) as an integral part of psychiatry
  • to improve public knowledge of psychotherapy in the treatment of mental illness
  • to increase theoretical and clinical knowledge of psychotherapy in the training of psychiatrists
  • to promote research in psychotherapy.

We will advance these aims by:

We are committed to furthering understanding of, and advancing appropriate psychological treatment for, diverse forms of human distress and disorder.

The approach to understanding people and the systems within which they are located integrates biological, psychological and social levels of explanation, and pays special attention to the significance of relationships in a lifespan developmental perspective. This is an approach to understanding and promoting wellbeing, as well as shaping and informing interventions for ill-health and social dysfunction. We recognise the potential significance of trauma and transitions in mental illness and of resilience in mental health.

We seek to teach and disseminate this perspective both within and outside the College, and to ensure it is embedded in the training and practice of psychiatry. We encourage and support research in psychotherapy and related fields. We are committed to raising public awareness of the profound importance of relationships throughout development and in treatment.

In all this we work collaboratively with our patients and with their families and friends, respecting their privacy and dignity, as well as with other colleagues, professions and organisations.

We support clinicians to deliver this approach across a range of settings including:

  • the direct delivery of clinical care to individuals to promote their recovery from mental distress
  • the targeting of psychological and social interventions to reduce distress in families, in communities, and in the broader systems in which an individual lives
  • the provision of clinical supervision to raise the quality of health care
  • the provision of robust clinical governance frameworks for psychological therapy services
  • the training of undergraduate and postgraduate medical staff
  • the development and maintenance of psychological, social and cultural health in institutions
  • the promotion of public understanding of mental health.

Sign in to the members' section to join our faculty or update your details.

If you would like to get in touch please email us.

The following map shows the UK locations of medical psychotherapists and forensic psychotherapists (based on postcode). You may need to zoom in to see when multiple psychiatrists are in close proximity to each other.

🟠 Orange circles denote consultant psychiatrists in medical psychotherapy.

🔴 Red circles denote consultant psychiatrists in forensic psychotherapy.

Please email hayley.shaw@rcpsych.ac.uk if you have details that can be added to the map.

Executive committee

In addition to details of our Executive Committee, we have also produced a map showing the approximate location of consultants in our specialty – see 'Where we are' above.

Member Year of joining Position
Dr Josephine O'Reilly 2022 (E) Chair
Dr Rachel Gibbons 2022 (E) Vice Chair
Dr Thomas Hillen 2024 (E) Financial Officer
Dr Sophie Atwood 2024 (C) Academic Secretary
Dr Anne Cooper 2024 (C) Academic Secretary
Dr Vikram Luthra 2024 (C) Academic Secretary
Dr Dasal Abayaratne 2021 (C) Sustainability Champion
Dr Abul Awal 2021 (C) Regional Representative
Dr Parveen Bains 2024 (E) Committee Member
Dr Daniel Beales 2021 (C) Regional Representative
Dr Daniel Beales 2024 (E) Committee Member
Dr David Bell 2024 (C) Northern Ireland
Dr William Burbridge-James 2022 (E) Committee Member
Dr Florence Dalton 2024 (E) Committee Member
Dr Preety Das 2024 (C) Committee Member
Dr Thomas Dewhurst 2024 (E) Committee Member
Dr Alasdair Forrest 2022 (A) Scotland
Dr Nora Gribbin 2021 (C) Sustainability Champion
Dr Swapna Kongara 2021 (E) Committee Member
Dr Haroula Konstantinidou 2022 (E) Committee Member
Dr Alice Levinson 2022 (E) Committee Member
Dr Emma Lewington 2021 (C) Scotland
Dr Neil MacFarlane 2022 (E) Committee Member
Dr Sarah Markham 2022 (C) Patient Representative
Dr Judith Mirsky 2023 (C) SAC Chair
Dr Philip Osborne 2020 (RRO) Regional Representative
Dr Pamela Peters 2024 (C) Committee Member
Dr Pamela Peters 2024 (C) Committee Member
Dr Beena Rajkumar 2022 (C) Regional Representative
Ms Janet Seale 2023 (A) Carers Representative
Dr Gerti Stegen 2024 (E) Committee Member
Dr Giles Story 2024 (E) Committee Member
Dr Jason Tsang 2024 (C) Regional Representative
Dr Elizabeth Venables 2022 (C) Committee Member
Dr Svetlin Vrabtchev 2013 (C) Committee Member
Dr Julie Waine 2024 (C) Regional Representative
Dr Andy Williams 2021 (C) Scotland

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