Dr Lade Smith CBE
2022/23 Presidential candidate
My video statement
As a junior doctor, I had to resuscitate a woman who was left to bleed to death. She had been denied treatment because of her mental illness. I saw then and there the inequality faced by people with mental health problems.
In my thirty years as a psychiatrist, I’ve been a researcher, educator, congress organiser, policymaker, and manager, but always a clinician, and always with that patient at the back of my mind. I am Clinical Director of my NHS Service, and the National Collaborating Centre for Mental Health.
In all my roles, I’ve strived to enhance psychiatry and advocate for patients – I haven’t just highlighted the problems, I’ve actually designed, developed, argued for and implemented services and systems that make a difference - physical health clinics; community mental health transformation; meaningful yet realistic Mental Health Act reform; the mental health equality strategy; a systematic approach to bed management that has clinical care at its heart. In 2019, I was awarded a CBE for my service to psychiatry, and I was honoured to be voted Psychiatrist of the Year by the Royal College. But for me, becoming your President is the most important role I can take on – supporting psychiatrists so you can support MH services. After all, psychiatrists are the backbone of our mental health system, and a better experience for you will lead to a better experience for patients.
I think I speak for all of us when I say that I can’t remember a time when mental health has been talked about so much, by so many across the world. We must capitalise on this. Psychiatry is facing unprecedented challenge - more demand; not enough capacity – this includes our beds and facilities and of course our staff.
I grew up in the North of England. I’ve worked there and down South and I’ve seen enormous regional disparities, where the areas that most need resources just don’t get them. This is not fair. We require a whole system approach that recognises the differing needs of each region.
For psychiatrists to provide the compassionate, person-centred, equitable care that we were trained to do, we MUST address the workforce shortages and chronic resource deficits. Too few people receive the MH Care they need. Under my leadership the College will address this treatment gap.
As your President, I will engage all psychiatrists – develop regional hubs; have twice yearly big debates, where members will get the opportunity to discuss key issues affecting psychiatrists. Decision-making will be more transparent. Ordinary members will have more of a say.
I will advocate for better working conditions for psychiatrists - proportionate pay for trainees; pension tax relief for senior doctors; accessible exams and CPD; I will support portfolio careers for mid-career consultants and SAS doctors; provide comprehensive support for colleagues working beyond retirement and support flexible working for part-time doctors. No one will be left out.
Working psychiatrists must regain job satisfaction, which will in turn encourage recruitment.
As your President,
I’ll nurture and support psychiatrists so you can thrive in your work;
I’ll address mental health inequality and the treatment gap.
I will raise the profile of psychiatry for the public, for patients and for psychiatrists.
As your President, I will support psychiatrists so that you can support our services.
Fel meddyg iau, bu'n rhaid i mi ddadebru menyw a gafodd ei gadael i waedu i farwolaeth. Roedd hi wedi cael triniaeth oherwydd ei salwch meddwl. Gwelais bryd hynny ac acw yr anghydraddoldeb sy'n wynebu pobl â phroblemau iechyd meddwl.
Yn fy 30 mlynedd fel seiciatrydd, rwyf wedi bod yn ymchwilydd, addysgwr, trefnydd y Gyngres, lluniwr polisi, a rheolwr, ond bob amser yn glinigwr, a bob amser gyda'r claf hwnnw yng nghefn fy meddwl. Rwy'n Gyfarwyddwr Clinigol fy Ngwasanaeth GIG, a'r Ganolfan Gydweithredol Genedlaethol ar gyfer Iechyd Meddwl.
Yn fy holl swyddi, rwyf wedi ymdrechu i wella seiciatreg ac eiriolwr dros gleifion – nid wyf newydd dynnu sylw at y problemau, rwyf wedi dylunio, datblygu, dadlau dros wasanaethau a systemau gweithredu sy'n gwneud gwahaniaeth - clinigau iechyd corfforol; trawsnewid iechyd meddwl cymunedol; diwygio deddf iechyd meddwl ystyrlon ond realistig, a'r strategaeth cydraddoldeb iechyd meddwl. Yn 2019, dyfarnwyd CBE i mi am fy ngwasanaeth i seiciatreg, ac roedd yn anrhydedd i mi gael fy mhleidlais yn Seiciatrydd y Flwyddyn gan y Coleg Brenhinol. Ond i mi, dod yn Llywydd yw'r rôl bwysicaf y gallaf ymgymryd ag ef – cefnogi seiciatryddion fel y gallwch gefnogi gwasanaethau iechyd meddwl. Wedi'r cyfan, seiciatryddion yw asgwrn cefn ein system iechyd meddwl, a bydd profiad gwell i chi yn arwain at brofiad gwell i gleifion.
Dwi'n meddwl mod i'n siarad dros bob un ohonom pan dwi'n dweud nad ydw i'n gallu cofio adeg pan mae iechyd meddwl wedi cael ei siarad gymaint, gan gymaint ar draws y byd. Mae'n rhaid i ni fanteisio ar hyn. Mae seiciatreg yn wynebu her na welwyd ei thebyg o'r blaen - mwy o alw; dim digon o gapasiti - mae hyn yn cynnwys ein gwelyau a'n cyfleusterau ac wrth gwrs ein staff.
Cefais fy magu yng Ngogledd Lloegr. Dwi wedi gweithio yno ac i lawr De a dwi wedi gweld anghyfartaledd rhanbarthol enfawr, lle mae'r ardaloedd sydd fwyaf angen adnoddau jyst ddim yn eu cael nhw. Nid yw hyn yn deg. Mae angen dull system gyfan sy'n cydnabod anghenion gwahanol pob rhanbarth. I seiciatryddion ddarparu'r gofal tosturiol, sy'n canolbwyntio ar yr unigolyn, yn deg yr oeddem wedi'n hyfforddi i'w wneud, RHAID i ni fynd i'r afael â phrinder y gweithlu a diffygion adnoddau cronig. Does dim digon o bobl yn derbyn y Gofal iechyd meddwl sydd ei angen arnynt. O dan fy arweinyddiaeth bydd y Coleg yn mynd i'r afael â'r bwlch triniaeth yma.
Fel eich Llywydd, byddaf yn ymgysylltu â phob seiciatrydd – datblygu hybiau rhanbarthol; yn cael dadleuon mawr ddwywaith y flwyddyn, lle bydd aelodau'n cael cyfle i drafod materion allweddol sy'n effeithio ar seiciatryddion. Bydd gwneud penderfyniadau yn fwy tryloyw. Bydd mwy o lais gan aelodau cyffredin.
Byddaf yn eiriol dros amodau gwaith gwell i seiciatryddion - tâl cymesur i hyfforddeion; rhyddhad treth pensiwn i uwch feddygon; arholiadau hygyrch a CPD; Byddaf yn cefnogi gyrfaoedd portffolio ar gyfer ymgynghorwyr canol gyrfa a meddygon SAS; darparu cefnogaeth gynhwysfawr i gydweithwyr sy'n gweithio y tu hwnt i ymddeoliad ac yn cefnogi gweithio hyblyg i feddygon rhan amser. Fydd neb yn cael ei adael allan.
Rhaid i seiciatryddion sy'n gweithio adennill boddhad swyddi, a fydd yn ei dro yn annog recriwtio.
Fel eich Llywydd,
Byddaf yn meithrin ac yn cefnogi seiciatryddion er mwyn i chi allu ffynnu yn eich gwaith;
Bydda i'n mynd i'r afael ag anghydraddoldeb iechyd meddwl a'r bwlch triniaeth.
Byddaf yn codi proffil seiciatreg i'r cyhoedd, i gleifion ac i seiciatryddion.
Fel eich Llywydd, byddaf yn cefnogi seiciatryddion er mwyn i chi allu cefnogi ein gwasanaethau.
My statement in full
You can also read this statement in Welsh.
Psychiatry is facing unprecedented challenges – the pandemic, increased demand, chronic resource deficits and workforce shortages, yet mental health is being discussed like never before. We must capitalise on this. I am running for President because
strong leadership is needed to fight for resources so psychiatrists can deliver quality, person-centred, equitable and therapeutic care, as we were trained to do.
From inner city Manchester, my 30 year journey made me a psychiatrist, researcher, educator, manager, policymaker and Mum (twice). I’ve run acute and rehab wards, an inner-city community team and Psychiatric Intensive Care Units. I’ve developed
national policy; Mental Health Act reform; influenced community transformation and mental healthcare investment. I advise NHSE, the DHSC and national mental health charities. In 2019 I was awarded RCPsych Psychiatrist of the Year and a CBE.
My priorities are:
- Nurturing and Supporting Psychiatrists: so we can retain and strengthen our workforce
- Addressing the Treatment Gap: fight for resources to deliver therapeutic care
- Fairness for all: tackling inequality for patients and staff
All psychiatrists must feel valued and supported by the College to achieve their potential.
I will campaign for better working conditions; proportionate pay for trainees; pension tax relief for senior doctors; accessible exams and CPD; support portfolio careers for mid-career consultants and SAS doctors; support working beyond retirement and support part-time doctors so they are not unduly disadvantaged.
We must champion research, it enhances clinical care and improves outcomes.
I will push for every psychiatrist to have an office; functioning IT; appropriate admin support; sensible caseloads and a workable job-plan. Community and inpatient psychiatrists are the bedrock of psychiatry. General Adult Psychiatry must become a prestige speciality, as with other psychiatric specialities.
We cannot deliver quality services without adequate resources.
The chronic underfunding of mental healthcare must be tackled urgently. We have the evidence to make the case. I will campaign for resources by partnering with key organisations and show that investing in mental healthcare is cost effective, saves lives and enhances our economy. Our care models must meet the needs of the local populations in all our nations, using data-driven resource allocation. We must invest in community services and we must have enough beds. Whole system approaches with social care and housing investment are essential. I will campaign for mental healthcare to have parity with physical healthcare.
Psychiatrists understand that inequality leads to illness, impairment and poorer outcomes.
Curricula must ensure skills that support compassionate biopsychosocial care and translate to real-world situations. As Presidential Lead, I will continue to promote equality, delivering the Advancing Mental Health Equality programme and Equality Action Plan. I will improve systems to tackle workplace inequality faced by women, ethnic minority doctors, LGBTQ+ doctors and doctors with disabilities, so that psychiatrists thrive in their workplace.
As your President, I will address the treatment gap; nurture psychiatrists so they can fulfil their potential; address mental health inequality and raise the profile of psychiatry for the public, for patients and for psychiatrists.
“Supporting Psychiatrists, Supporting our Services”.