Gambling disorder: clinical characteristics, screening and treatment 

Date: Thursday 20 June
Time: 2.40pm - 3.55pm
Stream: Clinical Practice


Gambling Disorder affects 0.4-2.4% of the population. It leads to numerous negative consequences, e.g. debt, unemployment, relationship breakdowns, homelessness, other mental health morbidities, physical health conditions (cardiovascular disease, obesity), and suicide. Yet, less than 5% of affected individuals ever receive an assessment, let alone evidence-based treatment. In the UK, the situation has rapidly changed in the past 1-2 years: gambling disorder is now a national NHS priority, NICE guidelines are being developed, and fifteen regional NHS treatment services have been funded by NHSE to deliver evidence based treatment for gambling disorder across the country. 

This session aims to:

  • Describe the core diagnostic features of gambling disorder and its most common comorbidities and consequences
  • Describe useful screening and diagnostic plus severity instruments for gambling disorder
  • Understand UK NHS provision for gambling disorder and how to refer to specialist clinics
  •  Describe evidence-based treatments for the condition
  • Be aware of the impending NICE guidelines and their implications for clinical practice


Chair: Dr Konstantinos Ioannidis, Southern Health NHS Foundation Trust, Southampton

Professor Henrietta Bowden-Jones, National Centre for Behavioural Addictions, London

Professor Sam Chamberlain, University of Southampton, Southampton

Professor Jon Grant, University of Chicago, Chicago

Please email or call 020 8618 4120 with any enquiries.