Preparing for and supporting ST4 applications

A guide for applicants and supervisors

Free Members' Webinar

Thursday 25 August 2022

Overview of this webinar

Application for higher training can seem like a daunting process for both trainees and the supervisors who wish to support them.

This webinar focused on the evidence for self-assessment which counts for 17.5% of the total score in ranking for ST4 posts. The session was not only for applicants in the current round or hoping to apply in the coming months, but also for core trainees in CT2 and CT3 years in order to plan their experience to build a strong set of evidence.

Both clinical and educational supervisors and core TPDs were encouraged to join the session, in order to understand ways in which they can help their core trainees prepare in advance for an ST4 application. 

A lot of focus in core training is understandably on the MRCPsych examinations which are mandatory for entry to higher training. We hope this session provided information about the other aspects of skills, training, and experience which CTs in psychiatry can build on, to put them on a strong platform for ST4 entrance.


  • Preparing for ST4 applications: a special focus on evidence for self-assessment - Professor Nandini Chakraborty
  • Questions for the panel


Health Education England North West guidance

View a copy of the webinar slides 

View the Q&A report 


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