RCPsych responds to the publication of NHS England’s NHS Mental Health Implementation Framework, which aims to shed light on how its 10-year plan for mental health services will be carried out.
Professor Wendy Burn, the College's President, said: “We warmly welcome the publication of the NHS Mental Health Implementation Framework, which gives details on how local areas should deliver the bold commitments made in the NHS Long-Term Plan to improve care for people with mental illnesses.
“The real challenge will be over the coming months as local areas put together five-year plans to deliver these commitments, including securing and retaining the workforce needed to ensure patients get the care they need when they need it.
“When the NHS People Plan is published it will help local areas meet the workforce challenges they clearly face.
“We are delighted that the framework encourages local health systems to adopt the Advancing Mental Health Equality toolkit and the accompanying Working Well Together Commissioning Resource, produced by National Collaborating Centre for Mental Health (NCCMH), when developing their plans for the next five years.
“Both of these are key to reducing health inequalities and ending the burning injustices experienced by groups at risk of marginalisation in mental health care.
“We look forward to the imminent publication of the Community Mental Health Framework, produced by NCCMH, which will give local areas the guidance they need to deliver comprehensive services for those people suffering with more severe mental illnesses.”
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