Team's journeys so far

Our approach

Our approach - DC&F

Visualising the system

Developing a flow chart to help teams understand how their service is currently operating

Description of this part of the process

"Really good as this was missing in our service - it was challenging as there is so much to capture. it is not until you put pen to paper that one realises how much work goes into it."


"I enjoyed creating the flow chart because it turned a complex system into an easily understandable way of mapping our service. It seemed daunting at first because of the scale and the complexity but it was so well supported that it felt achievable."

Reviewing data

To better understand patient flow and bottlenecks

Description of this part of the process

"It motivates us in doing better and see the positives of what we are doing, the challenge is to get accurate data from the system."


"The process of data collection captures the impact of the processes. Conversations on data can contribute towards change ideas to improve flow in a system."

Identifying the aim and key areas of focus

Developing a strategy to tackle problems that impact patient flow

Description of this part of the process

"It's been good to prioritise and also discuss what is achievable, and better understand the barriers."


"The driver diagram gives a deep insight that links the different process and parts of the system. This helps to organise information to link the aim of the project to potential change ideas."

Using quality improvement methodology

To test change ideas and measure improvement over time

Description of this part of the process
"It helps to openly speak about the problems we are facing. It's important to brainstorm and come up with solutions together."

Demand, Capacity and Flow Community

Providing teams the time and space to come together, to network, share and learn from one another.

Description of this part of the process
"It's been good to meet teams doing similar work across the country, and fascinating to see that despite geography many of our problems and solutions are the same."

"Meeting others in London, seeing that other teams are experiencing the same as us and seeing how they are tackling their problems.  The learning set days are highly motivational."

If you have any questions about the collaborative, contact the team at
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