Trent eNewsletters

Our newsletter is published twice a year, during summer and winter.

Our Editors welcome any submissions, particularly articles of local interest. Articles can be in the form of the following:

  • Interest articles: This can pertain to some local or national work you are personally involved in and would like to increase awareness of, or a topic in mental health which you yourself find interesting and would like to share with your colleagues.
  • Event articles: This could be a review/feedback from conferences or other mental health related events that you have attended. Alternatively, if you are planning an event within the Trent Division that you wish to promote, this would also be welcomed.
  • Opinion pieces/blog articles: Any issues in mental health that you are passionate about and wish to discuss with a wider audience.
  • Cultural contributions: This could be in the form of artwork, photography or poetry pieces, though we are open to other ideas in a similar vein
  • Research/Audits: Any innovative and noteworthy projects that you have been involved in and would like to share with a wider audience.
  • However, do not feel constrained by these choices; if you wish to submit an article that does not neatly fit into one of these headings get in touch with us via e-mail and we can discuss this further.

Please submit articles to We are happy to provide certificates on request for your portfolios for any accepted articles (though of course the presence of the article itself on the Royal College of Psychiatrists website will also serve as portfolio evidence).

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