Special Meeting – the result
A Special Meeting of the Royal College of Psychiatrists was held face-to-face at 21 Prescot Street on Monday 28 November, chaired by Dr Adrian James, Honorary President.
The sole purpose of the Special Meeting was to consider and, if thought fit, approve proposed amendments to the Bye Laws as set out in the notice to the meeting to allow for virtual meetings of the College for Annual and other General Meetings.
Members were asked to vote on this single motion, as currently the College constitution states that all AGMs and EGMs must be held face-to-face.
The proposal was put forward by the Officer team, having consulted with Council and having had it approved by the Board of Trustees, to allow the College to hold virtual general meetings, as a matter of course.
It was considered critical for the College as an inclusive organisation to enable its members to join meetings virtually so as not to exclude those unable to attend face-to-face. A two-thirds majority of everyone entitled to vote in attendance was required.
The proposal was seconded by Professor Subodh Dave, Honorary Dean.
Voting took place by a show of hands and the results were as follows:
- 18 members voted in favour of the proposal.
- No members voted against.
- No members abstained.
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