Forensic psychiatry news, reports and resources

The latest news and resources available from the Faculty of Forensic Psychiatry.

Faculty of Forensic Psychiatry Conference 2024

Date: 15,16,17 May 2024

Location: Milan, Italy

Booking now open to attend.

A patient’s journey part one – admission to hospital

Dr Claire Dillon, consultant forensic psychiatrist talks to Alain, former patient, about his experience of being admitted to hospital.

A patient’s journey 1 – experience of being admitted to hospital

A patient’s journey part two – living in a medium secure hospital

Professor Pamela Taylor, forensic psychiatrist talks to Alain, former patient, about his experience of living in a medium secure hospital.

A patient’s journey 2 – experience of living in a medium secure hospital

A patient's journey part three - experience of rehabilitation

Professor Pamela Taylor, forensic psychiatrist talks to Alain, former patient, about his experience of rehabilitation.

A patient’s journey 3 – experience of rehabilitation

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