
Perinatal Research at the National Centre for Mental Health (NCMH) and the Bipolar Disorder Research Network (BDRN).

Perinatal mental health is a key research theme at NCMH based at Cardiff University. NCMH has recruited over 22,000 participants for mental health research including key cohorts of women with lived experience of perinatal mental health conditions including postpartum psychosis and postnatal depression.

The Bipolar Disorder Research Network is a collaboration between Cardiff University, the University of Worcester, clinicians and people with lived experience of bipolar disorder. Together we have recruited over 7,000 people across the UK into bipolar research. With our interest in perinatal episodes we have published widely on the risk of postpartum psychosis and other perinatal conditions in women with bipolar.

Active projects

Bipolar disorder, pregnancy and childbirth

We are seeking women with lived experience of bipolar disorder who are pregnant for a study to understand better how to individualise the risk and we hope will lead to better prediction and treatments of these episodes.

The NCMH Perinatal Research Cohort

We are seeking to build a cohort of people with lived experience of mental health conditions willing to be approached about research opportunities. As part of this work we are working with health boards and trusts from across the UK. We are particularly seeking to work with MBU teams to build a UK wide MBU research cohort and with Specialist Perinatal Mental Health teams to build a specific perinatal cohort. Please get in touch if your team would be willing to discuss being part of this collaboration.

The PREgnancy Planning (PREP) Study

We are working with Action on Postpartum Psychosis (APP), Bipolar UK and women with lived experience of bipolar and/or postpartum psychosis to develop a new guide to aid decision making related to pregnancy and the postpartum period. We would like to hear from women who are planning a pregnancy or are currently pregnant to help us develop and test the guide.

COVID-19 Survey

During these unprecedented times, it is important to consider the widespread influence that the COVID-19 crisis is having on individuals with lived experience of mental illness including those with perinatal mental health conditions.

Key members of the research team

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