Leadership and Management Opportunities
In addition to our resources for leadership development, we have access to a range of additional opportunities and courses in Scotland that allow us to broaden our leadership and management experience, whilst gaining new skills.
Scottish Psychiatry Leadership and Management Group
This group is an evolution of the Scottish Medical Managers Group, bringing together both medical managers and clinical leaders (past and present) to share expertise, provide peer support and informal mentoring. The group meets three times a year with the Principal Medical Officer for Psychiatry.
The group is keen to seek to nurture the next generation of managers and leaders by involving interested trainees and contributing to the development of management and leadership training. Interested trainees or consultants are welcome to attend and can arrange to shadow any member of the group. If you would like more information, or would like to be involved, please contact Angela Currie.
Find out more about the Scottish Psychiatry Leadership and Management Group
Scottish Workforce and Careers Committee
This Committee, formerly the Choose Psychiatry in Scotland (CPS) Committee, is a formal sub-Committee of the Devolved Council of Scotland. Whilst there is a terms of membership now in place, it welcomes Members who are passionate and enthusiastic about all aspects of a career in psychiatry. The Committee has three core workstreams; recruitment and retention, workforce and training, and wellbeing. It meets four times a year, normally a Wednesday from 2.30-5pm. If you would like more information, or would like to be involved, please contact Susan Richardson.
Psychiatric Trainees Committee (PTC)
A national community representing psychiatric trainees within the UK focused on driving improvements in the quality of training, supporting and valuing each other and improving the quality of care and the lives of people with mental illness. Scotland has a number of elected regional representatives at different levels of training.
Leadership and Management Programme (LaMP)
The LaMP programme has been designed by NHS Education for Scotland (NES) to help and support individuals as they develop a range of personal and professional skills and behaviours which will contribute to their effectiveness as a clinician. It is open to doctors of all specialities and grades in Scotland. It costs £150 to attend but is free for trainees.
Leading to Change (formerly Project Lift)
Leading to Change offers a range of leadership development programmes, opportunities and support for health, social care, and social work leaders to help you make a difference.
Scottish Clinical Leadership Fellowship (SCLF)
This is a year-long, out of programme experience (OOPE) that provides CT2+ doctors or dentists in training an opportunity to develop themselves as potential health leaders of the future. It aims to provide NHS Scotland with doctors and dentists that have an enhanced capability to offer leadership in their workplace - potentially at national and international levels.
Chief Registrar/Resident
Many health boards in Scotland run Chief Resident or Registrar programmes which are open to doctors in training of any and all specialities. Check with your Director of Medical Education for information on local programmes and recruitment.
Specialty Training Representative
Represent your fellow trainees at your regional Specialty Training Committee. Find out more about opportunities near you by contacting your existing reps or Training Programme Director.
Local Junior Doctor Fora
Groups and fora which give trainees the opportunity to get local leadership and management experience. Contact your local Director of Medical Education or Training Programme Director to see what exists in your area.