Our Annual General Meeting (AGM): how to register and vote 

The latest edition of our membership magazine RCPsych Insight – being delivered to members this week – carries a two-page feature on our forthcoming AGM, being held in Liverpool on Tuesday 11 July, between 6-8pm.

As the article explains, at the AGM, the College Officers – President Dr Adrian James, Registrar Dr Trudi Seneviratne, Dean Professor Subodh Dave and Treasurer Professor John Crichton – will be putting forward three proposed changes to the College constitution:

  • an extension of voting rights to College Affiliates, who are mostly SAS doctors
  • that the Chairs of the College’s six International Divisions are made full members of the governing council
  • that the name of Council is changed from ‘UK Council’ to the ‘Council of the College’, to reflect the international nature of the College.

For more information about the Officer’s proposals, please read the Insight article or access our FAQs page.

All members of the College will be welcome to attend the AGM either in-person or online but only Fellows, Members and Specialist Associates will be able to vote on any resolutions.

To ensure that only Fellows, Members and Specialist Associates can vote, all voting will take place online – including for those attending in-person.

If you would like to attend the AGM, please complete the registration form to confirm your attendance.

Civica Election Services (formerly Electoral Reform Services) are administering the voting at the AGM. As previously mentioned, all voting will be online.

How to vote

To vote during the meeting you will first need to access the CESjoinIN website.

Once on the webpage, you will need to enter the event ID and the two-part security code that were sent to you in an email from the College last Tuesday (20 June).

Please note that the codes contained in the email are unique to you and should not be shared with anyone else.

You will not be able to login until one hour before the AGM starts. Please do not attempt to login beforehand. We recommend that you join at least 30 minutes before the beginning of the event.

Most common web browsers, including all recent versions of Chrome, Safari, Firefox and Edge, support Civica's platform, CESjoinIN. Internet Explorer has been replaced by Edge and therefore no longer supports CESjoinIN.

For the best viewing experience, please update to the latest version of your browser.

If you have any technical questions about how to vote or login to the voting site, please contact support-cesjoinin@civica.co.uk.

For further information on how to use CESjoinIN, please view our quick guide.

If you have any comments or questions about what is being put to the AGM, please email governance@rcpsych.ac.uk.

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