RCPsych eNewsletter

June 2023

Welcome to our eNewsletter for members

In this month's newsletter we take a look at our new workplace anti-racism campaign, tease the launch of our BJPsych Journals mobile app, explain how to vote in this year's AGM, and discuss our response to the recent BBC Panorama episode on antidepressants.

Newly published

  • Our 2022 Impact Report contains the highlights from last year and progress on our College priorities.

  • Don’t miss the latest issue of RCPsych Insight with articles about our new Tackling Racism in the Workplace guidance, the upcoming vote on extending voting rights to College Affiliates, and much more.

Psychiatrist Support Service (PSS)

The Psychiatrists' Support Service (PSS) provides free, rapid, high quality peer support by telephone to psychiatrists of all grades who may be experiencing personal or work-related difficulties. Contact the PSS by phone on 020 8618 4020 or by email at pss@rcpsych.ac.uk.

Other news from around the College


Choose Psychiatry Severn Sixth-Former Psychiatry Summer School (South West Division) – 5 July 2023

This Psychiatry Summer School will be taking place virtually, with an exciting programme specifically aimed at Year 12 students. View the event flyer.

Sexual and reproductive health (SRH) webinar – 19 July 2023

In this webinar you'll learn about a recent pilot providing on site sexual and reproductive health (SRH) clinics on inpatient mental health wards at the Royal Bethlem Hospital in South London and Maudsley NHS Foundation Trust.

Resources for members

Enjoying Work Collaborative – 'Increasing joy in work in UK healthcare teams: a national quality improvement collaborative'

British Journal of Healthcare Management recently published the findings from the NCCMH’s 1 year Enjoying Work Collaborative that supported 38 clinical and non-clinical teams to enhance joy and wellbeing at work.

Read more to receive further information regarding a career in psychiatry