Recommended books


Spirituality and Psychiatry

Edited by Chris Cook, Andrew Powell and Andrew Sims  RCPsych Publications (2009)

(Second Edition now completed and due for publication early 2023)

Spirituality and Narrative in Psychiatric Practice

Edited by Chris Cook, Andrew Powell and Andrew Sims  RCPsych Publications (2016)


Clarke I. (Ed.) (2010) Psychosis and Spirituality: Consolidating the New Paradigm, Oxford, Wiley-Blackwell

Clarke J. (2013) Spiritual Care in Everyday Nursing Practice: A New Approach. Palgrave Macmillan, Basingstoke

Cobb M., Puchalski CM., Rumbold B. Oxford Textbook of Spirituality in Healthcare (Oxford Textbooks In Public Health) (2012) Oxford University Press, New York, NY, USA

Cook CCH. (Ed.) (2013) Spirituality, Theology & Mental Health, London, SCM

Cook CCH. (2013) Controversies on the Place of Spirituality and Religion in Psychiatric Practice. In Cook CCH. (Ed.) Spirituality, Theology and Mental Health. London, SCM. 1-19

Cook C., Powell A., Sims A. (Eds.) (2009) Spirituality and Psychiatry. Royal College of Psychiatrists

Coyte ME., Gilbert P., Nicholls V. (Eds.) (2007) Spirituality, Values and Mental Health: Jewels for the Journey. Jessica Kingsley Publishers

Gilbert P. (Ed.) (2011) Spirituality and Mental Health. Pavilion Publishing

Griffith JL., Griffith ME. (2002) Encountering the Sacred in Psychotherapy. The Guilford Press

Huguelet P., Koenig HG. (2009) Religion and Spirituality in Psychiatry Cambridge University Press, New York

Koenig HG. (3rd Ed) (2013) Spirituality in Patient Care: Why, How, When and What. Templeton Foundation Press

Koenig HG. (2008) Medicine Religion and Health. Harold G Templeton Foundation Press

Koenig HG., King DE., Carson VB. (2012) Handbook of Religion and Health, Oxford University Press, New York, NY, USA, 2nd edition

McSherry W., Ross L. (Eds.) (2010) Spiritual Assessments in Healthcare Practice. M&K Publishing

Orchard H. (Ed.) (2001) Spirituality in Healthcare Contexts. Jessica Kingsley

Pargament KI. (2011) Spiritually Integrated Psychotherapy. New York, Guilford

Paloutzian R., Park C. (Eds.) (2005) Handbook of the Psychology of Religion and Spirituality. Guilford Press

Powell A. (2017) The Ways of the Soul. A Psychiatrist Reflects: Essays on Life, Death and Beyond. Aeon Books

Powell A. (2018) Conversations with the Soul. A Psychiatrist Reflects: Essays on Life, Death and Beyond. Aeon Books

Robinson S., Kendrick K., Brown A. (2003) Spirituality and the Practice of Healthcare. Palgrave Macmillan

Swinton J. (2001) Spirituality and Mental Health Care: Rediscovering a ‘Forgotten’ Dimension. Jessica Kingsley Publishers

Verhagen PJ., Praag HMV., López-Ibor J J., Cox, JL., Moussaoui D. (Eds.) (2010) Religion and Psychiatry: Beyond Boundaries, Oxford, Wiley-Blackwell

White G. (2006) Talking About Spirituality in Health Care Practice. Jessica Kingsley Publishers

Notes: there is a growing number of books in this area. The above list is of the core texts, especially those associated with members of the Spirituality SIG. We review additional books as we are asked to on our Book Reviews page but do not routinely add them to this list.

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