Historian in Residence

Find out about the College's Historian in Residence, Dr Gordon Bates.

Gordon Bates is a consultant child and adolescent psychiatrist and a fellow of the Royal Historical Society. He completed his PhD at the University of London in 2021. His book based on the thesis, titled The Uncanny Rise of Medical Hypnotism (1888-1914): Between Imagination and Suggestion was published in 2023.

His historical interests include mental illness and its treatment in the Victorian era, the early psychotherapies and child mental health. He also holds a Masters in medical humanities and edits the 'Narrative Matters' section of the journal Child and Adolescent Mental Health

Gordon holds the role of the College's Historian in Residence between 1 January 2024, and 1 January 2029.

Read his blog posts on the Library and Archives blog.

history wall
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