Social media at RCPsych
The College uses a variety of social media platforms to share news and updates.
In addition to College-wide accounts for X (formerly Twitter), Facebook, LinkedIn, Instagram, Bluesky, Threads, YouTube and SoundCloud there are many X accounts managed by individual teams across the college.
These are used to represent the specific interests of different Devolved Nations, English Divisions, faculties, special interest groups, and committees.
Additionally, many of our members have their own X accounts which they use to discuss issues relating to psychiatry and mental health.
Social media policy
We have a dedicated social media policy for employees, members and patient and carer representatives, as well as a companion guide with advice and guidance on online safety and reducing risks for all College members, including pre-membership psychiatry trainees and retired members.
List of official RCPsych social media accounts
Find us on 'X' (formerly known as Twitter) at @rcpsych. With over 110,000 followers this account is used to share breaking news and real-time updates from the College.
Our Facebook page is regularly updated with posts and videos that cover many different aspects.
Our LinkedIn page shares various news and updates from the College.
You can find us on Instagram at @thercpsych. We often use this channel to give a voice to our members and to promote prominent events throughout the year.
You can now follow us on Bluesky at
You can follow us on Threads at @theRCPsych.
With hundreds of videos, our RCPsych YouTube account is used to share webinars, lectures and mental health resources. You can also find videos created to promote our regular campaigns such as Choose Psychiatry.
Our regular podcasts are published to our RCPsych SoundCloud account from which they are made available through other popular podcast platforms (including Apple Music, Spotify, Amazon Music).
The following links will take you to specific social media pages for our Devolved Nations and English Divisions accounts. All links are to 'X' (the service formerly known as Twitter) unless otherwise stated.
Devolved Nations
- Northern Ireland - @RCPsychNI
- Scotland - @RCPsychScot
- Scotland Instagram - @RCPsychScot
- Wales - @RCPsychWales
- Wales Instagram - @RCPsychWales
- Wales on Threads - @RCPsychWales
English Divisions
- Eastern - @RCPsychEastern
- London - @RCPsychLDN
- North West - @RCPsychNW
- Northern and Yorkshire - @RCPsychNY
- South Eastern - @RCPsychSE
- South West - @RCPsychSW
- Trent - @RCPsychTrent
- West Midlands - @RCPsychWM
The following links will take you to specific social media pages for our International accounts. All links are to 'X' (the service formerly known as Twitter) unless otherwise stated.
International Divisions
- African – @RCPsychAfrica
- European
- Middle Eastern
- Pan-American – @RCPsychPanAm
- South Asian
- Western Pacific
- International members – @RCPsychINTL
The following links will take you to specific social media pages for our SIG accounts. All links are to 'X' (the service formerly known as Twitter) unless otherwise stated.
- Adolescent forensic
- Arts psychiatry – @RCPsychArtSIG
- Digital psychiatry – @RCPsychDPSIG
- Evolutionary psychiatry
- History of psychiatry – @RCPsychHoPSIG
- Neurodevelopmental psychiatry
- Occupational psychiatry – @RCPsychOHSIG
- Philosophy – @PhilSIGRCPsych
- Private and independent practice – @RCPsychPIPSIG
- Rainbow SIG (LGBT) – @RCPsychRainbow
- Spirituality – @RCPsychSSIG
- Sport and exercise psychiatry – @RCPsych_SEPSIG
- Transcultural psychiatry – @TSIG_RCPsych
- Women and mental health – @WomenInMindUK
- Volunteering and international
The following links will take you to specific social media pages for College faculty accounts. All links are to 'X' (the service formerly known as Twitter) unless otherwise stated.
- Academic
- Addictions – @RCPsychAddFac
- Child and adolescent – @RCPsychCAP
- Eating disorders – @RCPsychEDFac
- Eating disorders (Scotland) – @RCPsychScotFED
- Forensic – @RCPsychForensic
- General adult – @RCPsychGAP
- Intellectual disability
- Liaison – @RCPsychLiaison
- Medical psychotherapy
- Neuropsychiatry – @RCPsychNeuro
- Old age – @RCPsychOldAge
- Perinatal – @RCPsychPeri
- Rehabilitation and social – @RCPsychRehabSoc
The following links will take you to specific social media pages for accounts for various College committees and centres. All links are to 'X' (the service formerly known as Twitter) unless otherwise stated.
- Planetary Health and Sustainability Committee – @RCPsychGreen
- Psychiatric Trainees Committee (PTC) – @RCPsychTrainees
- College Centre for Quality Improvement (CCQI) – @RCPsychCCQI
- National Collaborating Centres for Mental Health (NCCMH) – @NCCMentalHealth
- Public Mental Health Implementation Centre (PMHIC) – @RCPsychPublicMH
The following links will take you to specific social media pages for our other accounts related to the College. All links are to 'X' (the service formerly known as Twitter) unless otherwise stated.
- BJPsych journals – @TheBJPsych
- BJPsych journals Soundcloud – BJPsych
- Choose Psychiatry – @Choose_Psych
- College library – @RCPsychReads
- eLearning Hub – @RCPsych_eLearn
- Psychiatric Trainees Committee (PTC) – @RCPsychTrainees
- Psychiatrists' Support Service (PSS) – @RCPsychPSS
- Physician Associates – @RCPsychPA
- SAS Doctors – @RCPsychSASDocs
- Portfolio Online – @PortfolioOnline