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Michael Craig (Autism CPD Update)

Michael Craig

Professor Michael Craig joined King's College London in 1998.  He has dual training in Psychiatry (FRCPsych) and Obstetrics & Gynaecology (FRCOG) and was awarded an MRC(UK) Fellowship to complete a PhD into the effects of sex hormones on the brain.

His areas of expertise include Neurodevelopment and Reproductive mental health. Professor Craig was Clinical Lead on the National Autism Unit from 2007-2023 and has developed a particular interest in sex differences in the typical brain and neurodevelopmental conditions (e.g., autism spectrum disorder, attention deficit hyperactivity disorder). He set up and has been Clinical Lead of the National Female Hormone Clinic since 2012, and has developed research interests at the interface between sex hormones and mental health at different stages of the reproductive lifespan.

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