PIPSIG Summer Conference | Riding the waves: thriving and surviving in independent practice


Half day event

Timings 09.30AM - 1.00PM
Location , Online
CPD Up to three hours subject to peer approval
Non-member fee£89
Consultant fee£67
SAS Doctor fee£51
Higher Trainee fee£51
Core Trainee fee£34
Student/Foundation Doctor fee£34
Subsidised/Retired fee£34
PIPSIG Summer Conference | Riding the waves: thriving and surviving in independent practice

Event Information

Targeted at psychiatrists more established in their independent practice, this conference is designed to help doctors optimise all aspects of their work life, and navigate the inevitable vicissitudes of the work that we do. From experiencing the suicide of a patient in private practice, the successful management of complaints, to broadening the scope of your practice and retirement planning - for the ultimate happy ending - this half day conference should have something to cater for all who have embraced independent practice. At the end of the conference we hope delegates will feel more confident to be creative in their work, to anticipate and mitigate challenges, and embrace a proactive stance. 

The programme will consist of short presentations from experts and consultant psychiatrists with ample time for questions after each talk, and will be followed by an informal networking opportunity for delegates before the close. 

9.30am – Welcome
Dr Mona Freeman Consultant Psychiatrist, Chair PIPSIG

9.40am – Successful management of complaints
Ms Sally Taber ISCAS Director

10.10am – Experience of patient suicide Dr Ed Burns Consultant Psychiatrist and Dr Rachel Gibbons Consultant Psychiatrist

10.40am – Comfort break

10.50am – Working with addiction
Dr Bill Shanahan Consultant Psychiatrist

11.20am – Medical writing
Dr Munib Haroon Consultant Paediatrician

11.50am – Happy endings – planning a successful retirement
Dr Lesley Haines Consultant Psychiatrist

12.20pm – Closing remarks
Dr Mona Freeman

12.30pm – Informal networking for delegates
(via separate Zoom link)

1.00pm – Event close

The conference will be chaired by Dr Mona Freeman, Consultant Child and Adolescent Psychiatrist and Chair of the RCPsych PIPSIG

Other confirmed speakers so far:

  • Dr Rachel Gibbons, independent Consultant, Vice Chair of the Medical Psychotherapy Faculty and PIPSIG executive committee member
  • Dr Ed Burns, independent Consultant and PIPSIG executive committee member
  • Dr William Shanahan, Medical Director Priory Hospital Roehampton and Clinical Director across Priory's Addiction Services 
  • Martha Walker - Independent CQC Adviser from the Independent Doctors Federation
  • Plus more to be announced...

The online conference will take be hosted on Zoom. It is an online only conference. Details of how to join the conference will be shared with delegates closer to the time.

The conference recording will be shared with attendees who have purchased a ticket. Recordings are available to view for three months after the event.

Please read our terms and conditions before making your booking.

Event Location

Location: , Online