RCPsych in Scotland and NI Intellectual Disability Joint Conference 2024


One day event

Location Cheval The Edinburgh Grand Hotel, 42 St Andrew Square, Edinburgh, EH2 2AD
CPD Up to six hours per day subject to peer approval
Full Member Rate£160
Non Member Rate£165
SAS Delegate Rate£112
Core / Higher Trainee Rate£80
Medical Student / FY Delegate Rate£45
Retired / Subsidised Rate£80
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RCPsych in Scotland and NI Intellectual Disability Joint Conference 2024

Event Information

The Royal College of Psychiatrists in Scotland and Northern Ireland are thrilled to announce their joint event for 2024, set to be held at the Cheval Grand Hotel in Edinburgh. The theme of the conference, "Seeing the wood for the trees: co-occurring conditions in people with ID," promises a range of speakers from across the UK and NI.  

Taking place on Thursday 7th November, the event will held in person only and will not be available to view online or recorded in any capacity.

Please read our terms and conditions before making your booking.

For further information, please contact:

Email: angela.currie@rcpsych.ac.uk

Contact Name: Angela Currie

Contact number: 0131 344 4967

Event Location

Location: Cheval The Edinburgh Grand Hotel, 42 St Andrew Square, Edinburgh, EH2 2AD