Position Statements 2018
Position Statements are approved by the College’s Policy and Public Affairs Committee and are concise statements of College policy.
These statements are available to download in PDF format (free of charge).
The prescribing of varenicline and vaping (electronic cigarettes) to patients with severe mental illness (PS05/18 December 2018)
This position statement provides advice and recommendations to psychiatrists on the prescribing of varenicline, and the use of electronic cigarettes (EC), as strategies to support people with SMI to stop smoking.Withdrawal of, and alternatives to, valproate-containing medicines in girls and women of childbearing potential who have a psychiatric illness (PS04/18 December 2018)
This Position Statement provides guidance relating to prescribing decisions regarding valproate preparations in women of childbearing potential.Supporting the mental health and wellbeing of psychiatrists (PS03/18 July 2018)
How the mental health and wellbeing of psychiatrists can be supported.Supporting transgender and gender-diverse people (PS02/2018 March 2018)
How to work with transgender and gender-diverse people if they seek mental health services.
Please also see the College's interim statement regarding transgender health.Racism and mental health (PS01/2018 March 2018)
Improving the quality of mental healthcare in a way that respects and values the principles of diversity and inclusion.