Position Statements 2021
Position Statements are approved by the College’s Policy and Public Affairs Committee and are concise statements of College policy.
These statements are available to download in PDF format (free of charge).
We know that those with Intellectual Disability, Autism or both are more likely to experience a wider range of other health conditions. That is why effective and safe prescribing of medication is particularly crucial for this group of patients. This Position Statement, as well as setting out the College’s explicit support for the STOMP-STAMP programmes, also provides advice and guidance on how psychiatrists and other relevant healthcare professionals can best implements their principles and objectives.
Mental Health Treatment Requirements (PS04/21)
lt is crucial that the criminal justice system has a range of suitable sentencing options that can be used to reflect the circumstances of individual offenders. This helps in delivering the objective of lowering the rates of subsequent reoffending. For where mental illness is a factor in the offending behaviour, this Position Statement sets out how Mental Health Treatment Requirements (MHTRs) can make a significantly positive contribution to the individual offender and wider society by helping address the condition that contributed to why they are in the criminal justice system. It also calls on the Government to make the funding available so that mental health services can ensure that where the use of an MHTR is a suitable option, they are able to meet the demand.
Our Planet's Climate and Ecological Emergency (PS03/21)
Around the world, climate change and environmental degradation are resulting in major impacts on human health and an unprecedented loss of biodiversity. This position statement details the ways in which the climate and ecological crisis is already having significant impacts on mental health in the UK and globally and how we can respond to tackle the threat this crisis poses to mental health. This must be part of a combined effort across the health sector, referencing a holistic approach to health that reframes our relationship with our planet.
Detention of people with mental disorders in immigration removal centres (PS02/21)
People in Immigration Removal Centres (IRCs) are more vulnerable to mental illness because of the environment that they are being held in and the traumatic experiences that they have often experienced in their life. This Position Statement makes clear that irrespective of their immigration status, they must be provided with the best care for the condition possible and in the case of those with significant mental illness, that is not in an Immigration Removal Centre. The Statement makes a number of recommendations on how progress can be made in achieving this objective.
Social prescribing provides an important treatment option for clinicians to offer as part of supporting people with mental health disorders. This Position Statement sets out the case for its value as well as providing practical advice on what is needed to make sure that its impact is maximised to the fullest. This includes emphasising the importance of a range of social prescribing services being available in all localities for those who would benefit from it.